Difficult to miss Jupiter even if you try, I think.
More like getting on for 60 years in some cases.
One way to break all Youtube livestream viewer records...
IIRC McDonald's argument on that one is that is that it's technically possible to get a Big Mac to look like the picture, if you have long enough to put it together and access to a professional photographer.
so rather than saying clean code is "good" or clean code is "bad," like a lot of things this should be "it depends on your needs."
That doesn't generate clicks.
It's not lupus.
(except for that one time it was)
Literal brain worms instead of figurative ones. And of course it's Australia.
It's taken this long?
So you believe literally nothing anyone tells you at all?
My guess is that they are seeing this as less likely to become a security hole.
It's not impossible, I suppose, but on the other hand we really don't want to condone this by highlighting it if it has happened once or twice.
I flirt with guys all the time. Mostly they don't realise though.