
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That's a first gen 4 core that has memory latency issues. The board could be too low end on VRM to handle a 5600x upgrade

Can you afford to build a brand new everything PC?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago

Do a search online of Telegram turning over user to government, they store your contacts and info.

For absolute privacy and security, stick with SimpleX for creating a different random ID for each contact you message, no 2 users will see the same ID from you.

As a secondary option, use Molly which is a modified version of Signal to remove proprietary dependancies.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Born one month after FreeBSD

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 years ago (7 children)

There are ways around it if you are willing to put in the work and deal with incoveniences.

For example, never use native Android or iOS, flash a custom ROM, never install proprietary apps, just that cuts a lot out. Only use cash for all stores and services, never carry payment cards with you, that wipes out financial tracking. Never give real info to stores. Use email aliases so different people have a different address. Don't use Windows on computer if the prgrams you use are not exclusive to Windows.

Those can be the beginner steps to how to be almost invisible in society. One thing I've done is try to push people onto SimpleX chat app for messaging so I can have a different random ID with each person I message so there's no contact info to share. Even people I know in person, we hang out together, I try to get them on SimpleX in place of Signal.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Until someone gives legal notice to IBM lawyers forcing Red Hat source code to be released pulicly, all of this debating over it means jack nothing.

If nobody takes IBM to court, the matter is settled and all developers must accept Red Hat's choices.

If they dismiss the online talk, ignore all criticisms, and nobody pays for a lawsuit, the case is done and finished.

I'm not trying skip over your points, as I said from my first first, everybody can talk all they want, who has the power of persuasion or legal force to change IBM's decision?

I may be wrong, but I believe only the Linux Foundation is a position to call IBM CTO, President, whoever, and say "We heard about the changes to with holding Red Hat's source code, you will not be doing that, it shall remain public. If you want to discuss this further, please send your most expensive lawyers to our offices and we will explain in detail why you won't be doing that."

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago

Without raytracing benchmarks, turn off FSR and DLSS, it is not showing the full performance difference.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Some people have had to skip one meal a day and not eat, also try applying for a second job or see if can work more hours at current job. Try to re-use things that might normally be thrown away. Eliminate all social spending and leisure spending, mean don't spend money on anything that is not groceries for home, electricity, water, and transportation. Cut back to a single house phone or online service, cancel all cell services.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 years ago (4 children)

The GNU/Linux GPLv2 does not apply to any software developed and owned by Red Hat like all of the Red Hat security programs, that is not covered by the Linux license. If Red Hat never modifies or changes a single line of code in GNU/Linux, they are free to run closed source programs on top of it. They own .rpm file format so they have the legal freedom to make the system and all RH software proprietary.

That's how Rocky and Alma are now permanently locked out from accessing the code.


Thousands of port workers, including scores of Hell Angels, their associates, gangsters, and other criminals across British Columbia, are set to resume strike activity after failing to ratify a tentative deal that was reached through federal mediation. https://tnc.news/2023/07/19/bonokoski-hells-angels-control-of-bc-ports/


For someone wanting the best raytracing performance and AV1 encoding, isn't the 40 series the only to choose?

People that don't care about raytracing, it would not apply to them, but for AV1 recording and raytracing, what other choice is there?

Friendship kiss (latte.isnot.coffee)

For a city that is all about showing public acceptance of gays and trans, why do the men seem so uptight as a matter of respect and greeting, for a man to kiss another man's face, on the cheek of course?

Explain how people are all for 2 men frnech kissing, but a friendship kiss is too sexual, there seems to be a contradiction.

Are men not comfortable showing a bond with other men but let's love the gays? I grew up with a kiss on the forehead or cheek is strictly general affection to show a sentimental care for the person.

Strong Men (latte.isnot.coffee)

Is there people on here who are old enough to remember when a man could take a punch and would physically defend other people's safety?

How did it get replaced by people complaining on the internet about a website hurt their feelings?


From Theo de Raadt of OpenBSD

Over the last 6 months we've worked on adding arm64 BTI & Intel IBT support in the kernels and all userland binaries. We have been fixing all the applications along the way. Many developers were involved. There is an innovative and substantial difference in our approach compared to how Linux is doing it:

  • On OpenBSD, IBT/BTI enforcement is on by default (meaning mandatory), unless a binary is linked to request opt-out (using -Wl,-z,nobtcfi). After all our fixes, very few application binaries need that, and that count is expected to shrink quickly as we (or upstreams) fix the outstanding issues.
  • On Linux they are rehashing the same design as their executable-stack mechanism: if a single .o file in a resulting binary isn't marked as IBT/BTI enforcement, the system will (silently) execute the program without enforcement and noone knows this is happening. So for an issue from around 2001, today Linux binaries with executable stack exist and work unsafely. I expect that 20 years from now Linux binaries without IBT/BTI enforcement will also exist and work unsafely..

A discovered vulnerability for privilage escalation https://thehackernews.com/2023/07/researchers-uncover-new-linux-kernel.html?m=1

If system security is the most important criteria above everything else, switch to using BSD.


I only play single player campaings exclusively, I only buy games based on the campaign, I never play multiplayer, not one.

Does high framerate really make for better gameplay in a campaign? Is 120fps noticable over 60?

I play on 60Hz now at ultra. Is 120fps Cyberpunk really a better experience than 60fps Cyberpunk?


An interesting comparison and discussion https://yewtu.be/watch?v=f2e4FNMzyto


Have people noticed how much popretary java code ProtonMail requires when using a web browser for email?

Also, why the required login on their free VPN service if they are all about privacy and encryption? Why do they want someone's network traffic in order to use their free VPN?

Over the past 6 months my suspicion grows bigger and bigger of who is behind Proton, the agenda behind starting the service, and how it caught on? Why don't free encrypted anti-government services catch on?

Until ProtonVPN removes login requirement and release VPN server code under open source license like RiseupVPN or CalyxVPN which are anonymous VPN's, no account, I will choose to treat Proton like a spy agency.


I try doing a search for !pcgaming[@lemmy.ca but says not found. The website for https://lemmy.ca/c/pcgaming is up and running but I can't find the community. Is there something I'm overlooking or not considering?

I am a member of 2 other lemmy.ca communities.

Settings (latte.isnot.coffee)

Is there nothing in settings to the default feed when ooening the app? I only want to see subsscribed communities starting with newest.


How did the ideology of libre/free software get so politicized?

I've noticed advocates for exclusively for libre software and actively discourage simple open source software for not going far enough, also want censorship of not allowing any proprietary software to be mentioned, and don't allow any critiques of the software they use because it's libre software so there are no faults or bad designs.

I thoroughly enjoy the code purity of what is labelled as libre software, for license I only like the ISC license for freedom. My attitude is if someone changes my code and doesn't give back, it does not harm me or injury me in any way.

I also believe libre software can be used for the surveillance of other people, libre software does not be default mean privacy. How network software is configured in systems that other people don't control, it doesn't matter if it's open source when people have no knowledge of other networks configuration.

On the principal of freedom, I do support the right to develop proprietary software. The fact that it exists does not harm anyone who chooses not to use proprietary software.

It seems the die hard libre software crowd, not open source people but the ones who want to live in an only GPLv3+ world can start to live in ther own world, their own bubble, and become disconnected losing perspective that which software other people use is not something that should affect your day in any way. Unless someone is both a network engineer and does infosec or something similiar, they're not in a position to understand fully appreciate how network protocols matter more than a license and code availability.

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