- Find the casual communities.
- Curate your feed
- Stick to non US communities?
- Realise that the world is not in great shape right now, people are angry and scared - of course online spaces are going to reflect that.
avoid ~~using~~ reddit ~~until musk is defeated~~.
Davx5 yep. Its very easy. I can't be arsed to search for it but if you look through my comment history you'll see a comment I made in the last couple if weeks on how to set it up. Its incredibly easy.
No, no, I'm saying it should have been reported there and I don't get why they didn't share it.
On the face of it, that is a massive own goal. TOR project surely has a fediverse account or a blog or something to announce these things. This should be common knowledge.
For a book that contains zero likeable characters, its an absorbing read. I chose to interpret it as a study on how the lower/middle classes are desperate to emulate the upper class, despite their obvious lack of morality.
Felix plus some vinegar?
There's a difference between being a populist and actually representing your constituents, which is after all the job they're paid to do.
Like @icerunner_[email protected] I speak from experience when I say this is nothing to do with whats best for kids and all about cutting costs. Forcing kids who need an EHCP into mainstream schools and/or denying them specialist support will help no one - not the pupils, not the staff and not the school.
But its SOP for this red tory government - they've already said they're going to target disabled people claiming PIP and now they're going to target disabled people in education.
You might think this is because the disabled population have an outlandishly large amount of money allocated to them and its fair that they are targeted. They don't. The reason the disabled are always the first targeted by any ruler is because that ruler knows that the general population don;t give two shits what happens to disabled people.
There'll be no protests from society about this in the way we would see if this was an environmental issue or a race issue or a gender issue so for a politician this is a win-win.
How? Either way I lose.
Because when you vote against a fascist you're considering wider society, not just your self.
If I voted for harris and harris won, I still lost. If I voted for harris and trump won, I still lost. if I voted for trump and trump won, I still lost.
The correct statement is 'if Harris gets in, I lost. If Trump gets in everyone loses. Its about more than just you.
You’re naive enough to believe that harris winning is the same as you winning, and that’s just proving my point. You’ve been conditioned to think that a slow loss is the same as a win
I'm not American. What I am though is able to see that fascism is worse than conservatism. The fact that conservatism is still bad is irrelevant when the only other choice is an actual fascist because the fascist will probably remove your power to vote in the future.
Gonna block you now. Good luck in life.
Yeah, some truths are too uncomfortable to be lived with aren't they?
I can tell you’re going to go through whatever mental gymnastics are necessary to convince yourself that voting for the lesser evil is somehow a win.
My friend, the only one performing mental gymnastics right now is you trying to convince yourself that what you have achieved by refusing to vote against a fascist is a win.
Sorry you’ve been conditioned to dedicate so much energy working against your own interests. If more of you diverted that energy to the people supporting our oppressors, we wouldn’t need to be having this discussion.
Assuming you're an American, by refusing to vote against fascism I'm pretty sure you won't be having any free discussions in a year or so lest you be carted off by the local stasi.
Its the greatest form of entertainment IMO. Movies and theatre last a couple of hours, emphasis is on 'the look', story is usually (but not always) pretty shallow. TV is more episodic and therefore there's more time to explore the story but, again,its still pretty surface level most of the time. As streamers replace production companies and gain even more power, TV and movies are getting increasingly crapper. I read an interview with someone who worked for a streamer (wasn't Neflix but can;t recall which one it was and I can;t find the link now) who said the direction from bosses is producing content that is easy enough to follow if you're only half-watching. Sounds fucking awful.
Books, on the other hand, engage whole parts of your brain and quite literally take you into a different world. They can be quite short or very, very long - the edit is to fit the story, not making the story fit a prescribed length. Unlike movies or TV the only two people involved are you and the author - which is why I personally struggle with audiobooks as I feel like there's a third party (the narrator) involved who might interpret things differently than me. I've seen lots of great TV shows, plays and movies but I have never had as immersive an experience as I do with reading a book. I've never experienced an emotional response to a TV show or movie like I have from so many books. The feeling of knowing a character to their bones and loving (or hating) them is just impossible for me in movies/TV shows most of the time.