
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (6 children)

E noi intanto usiamo gas "naturale" e paghiamo l'energia um botto...

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)


Please add link to source, they deserve it: https://www.systemcomic.com/2011/02/28/the-system-472-road-sage/

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Come hai scelto proprio questa console e non,per esempio, una di Anbernic?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Wrong: I do blame humans for making robots do wrong things

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

Image toolbox is so complete that allowed me to disable google photos: smooth rotation, filter, perspective correction, resize and much much more.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago

Apotris is probably the best version if tetris available, and it's foss.

You can get a compiled ROM for GBA and play it on android with a FOSS emulator like Lemuroid. It works!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I don't think you should expect any issue. You are allowing unkown apps to show something only in andoird android auto, with this setting, and you can always turn it back off

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (3 children)

If you installed from fdroid you have to ensble unknown sources in androud auto settings. These are the instructions from another app, but the procedure is the same

It is possible to use URL Radio on Android Auto if you have enabled unknown sources in Android Auto developer settings.

To enable:

Go to Android Auto settings and tap Version about 10 times to enable developer settings.

Tap on the hamburger menu on the top right and tap on Developer Settings.

Enable unknown sources.
[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The space close to crossroads should not be dedicated to parking, because parked cars limit visibility of incoming cars. The solution proposed by the maker of the video is much more livable and much less dangerous.

The technique is sometimes called daylighting, and you can find more information about it here

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Ho letto solo embassytown, e nomostante ammiri molto lidea, l'ho trivaro confuso e meno appassionante, e in sostanza concordo con te

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

È tra quelli che ho letto nella lista, e mi è piaciuto un sacco. Una descrizione non solo verosime ma viva di un luogo completamente assurdo, che mi è rimasto nella mente , e a cui ogni tanto ripenso.

Ho un sacco di ammirazione per l'autore, per essersi inventato qualcosa così.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Because it's called with the (I think) coresct name "Paesi Bassi" 😉


For a period of three hours, it featured no loud noises nor rapid flashing lights so that people living with a variety of mental well-being disabilities, such as anxiety, could also enjoy the event.

I see this as a very welcome thing for this community!


I think the developers of this satirical game could be subscribed to this community:

The car industry has identified a few places on earth that do not know THE FREEDOM OF CAR DEPENDENCY.

So they hired you to increase car sales and oil consumption.

How? By building the greatest car parks ever!

Turn neighborhoods into car parks, create the need for car commuting and parking. Use propaganda to inform people on why they need it.

Learn to become a real tycoon.. Asphalt means freedom, right?

Cross-post da: https://feddit.it/post/8640086

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Old style graphics (a la sim city) for a satirical game centered on a mechanic that was excluded by sim city because it would have been boring, as revealed by a developer

The developer mentioned it's being built on Linux, so it will of course have Native Linux support.

The car industry has identified a few places on earth that do not know THE FREEDOM OF CAR DEPENDENCY.

So they hired you to increase car sales and oil consumption.

How? By building the greatest car parks ever!

Turn neighborhoods into car parks, create the need for car commuting and parking. Use propaganda to inform people on why they need it.

Learn to become a real tycoon… Asphalt means freedom, right?

Cross-post da: https://feddit.it/post/8640086

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I think the developers of this satirical game could be subscribed to this community:

The car industry has identified a few places on earth that do not know THE FREEDOM OF CAR DEPENDENCY.

So they hired you to increase car sales and oil consumption.

How? By building the greatest car parks ever!

Turn neighborhoods into car parks, create the need for car commuting and parking. Use propaganda to inform people on why they need it.

Learn to become a real tycoon.. Asphalt means freedom, right?


Articolo molto interessante de ilPost che riporta un po' di indagini su quanto di internet e delle piattaforme "mainstream" sia opera di bot.

Il quadro è abbastanza sconfortante, pagine facebook che condividono immagini generate per attirare click, commenti fatti da bot, difficoltà nel capire se un contenuto è umano o meno, e milioni di persone prede inconsapevoli di queste tecniche, vittime di algoritmi che mettono questi contenuti spazzatura nei loro feed

Leggendo questo articolo non posso che essere felice per il fediverso, dove leggo e vedo contenuti di persone, grazie a moderatori che fanno un interminabile ed umanissimo lavoro di selezione.


Biking in this petiod can be a pain for people with pollen allergy.

Do you gave any tip to share? Do you wear a mask? What kind? Anything to protect your eyes?

Thsnk you

(Picture source: Brainwashed https://www.flickr.com/people/39453974@N04 )


A leaked "independent" repair shop contract shows that Samsung requires them to give Samsung the name, contact information, phone identifier, and customer complaint details of everyone who gets their phone repaired at these shops,

Stunningly, it also requires these nominally independent shops to “immediately disassemble” any phones that customers have brought them that have been previously repaired with aftermarket or third-party parts and to “immediately notify” Samsung

It's the second in a row news about Samsung acting agsunst the customers right to repair, showing how much we need good right to repair laws.


As revealed by iFixit, Samsung collaboration never worked well, with parts that were too expensive, and/or glued together (like a battery+screen replacement!)

Moreover Samsung never really tried to make their designs more repairable.

ifixit blog post is full of episodes, like when Samsung and iFixit announced an upcycle program, and then Samsung disappeared.

Ok, Samsung is cleared not interested in making their product repairable.


Milan has 51 cars for 100 inhabitants, which is the double of other big cities in Europe, like Madrid (291,3) o Paris (225,2). One of the consequences is that traffic is terrible, and Milan is, for example, one of the worst cities on TomTom traffic index

Another big consequence is that motorists will park cars everywhere, because the number of legal on-street parking spots much lower than needed (the number of on-street parking spots is already much higher than other similar European cities) . If you have ever been in Milan, you would know that you can find cars parked on the sidewalks, on the bike lanes, between the trees at the side of the road, on zebra crossings, at the corners of intersections, at the bus stops, double parked (take a look at the pictures in this article to get an idea). This is a big issue, because people with reduced mobility, parents with strollers, people with sight issues are strongly impaired by this situation. Moreover an average of 5 times every day, public transit (trams and buses) gets stuck because of some really badly parked car, causing delays for tens or hundreds of people.

The administration is not willing to help and tolerates the status without doing much except the worst situations. They fear that this will impact their popularity, and may lose next elections. It is a well known fact that getting a ticket for illegal parking is so rare, that it costs less than a legal payed parking spot!

People was so fed up with the situation that and association called "Sai che puoi?" was able to organize an event to count and map illegally parked cars during the night of May 16th. It took a long time and effort, with some tests on a few blocks performed in the past. They also did a great social campaign with posts and videos like this one , and developed a web app on purpose.

The results were astonishing: 2000 people took part, and were able to walk all the 1700 km of the 3780 streets in the city and count illegally parked cars, divided by parking location (on the street, on the sidewalks, between the trees)

the streets of Milan turned green because all of them were part of the count at the end


  • 64000 illegally parked cars (during the day the situation gets even worse, with people coming from outside the city!)
    • 37000 on the street
    • 15000 on the sidewalks
    • 11000 on the grass or between the trees

This means that the city administration could get 5.3 million euros of tickets in one night, which means the equivalent of 134000 public transit month tickets.

The final aim is to force the administration to act and do something. The idea is that neglecting the issue with such numbers should be more difficult.

I think this is a great story, and I never heard of something like this from anywhere else. I want to say thank you to the organizers and I would love to get this event known outside Italy


In generale trovo che abbia poco senso un’alleanza di partiti di estrema destra di diverse nazioni.

Poi improvvisamente si accorgono che i nazisti sono nazisti. Quando si accorgeranno che i fascisti sono fascisti, cosa faranno?

Ma non potrebbero essere un po' coerenti e dire le cose che pensano veramente? Dire chiaramente che sono razzisti, che vogliono una stampa sotto controllo, e impedire la libertà di parola, di pensiero?

Perché nascondersi dietro una bella faccia, se tutti sanno qual è la verità?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Honestly I don't know the authors or books, but I know that the the Storiybundles are usually not bad.

The Universe of Adventure Sci-Fi Bundle - Curated by independent authors John Wilker & Dave Walsh: When it comes to science fiction, there are a lot of different flavors. Through the ages, science fiction has been many things to a great many people. It’s never been just one thing. Just one type of story. There's sci-fi that's quiet and contemplative, sci-fi that sticks to our understanding of modern science, then there's sci-fi that spans different galaxies and times, or even sci-fi that warps our understanding of reality.

For $5:

  • Ghost Pirate Gambit by Jessie Kwak
  • Broken Ascension by Dave Walsh
  • Constelis Voss 1 by K. Leigh
  • Convergence by C. Gockel

For 20 $:

  • Ptolemy Lane 1-3 by Cameron Cooper
  • Devon Island Mars Colony by Si Clarke
  • Psycho Electric by Randolph Lalonde
  • Shifting Reality by Patty Jansen
  • League of Independent Operatives - Books 1-3 by Kate Sheeran Swed
  • The Big Sigma Collection Vol. 1 - Enhanced by Joseph R. Lallo
  • Fire Ant by Jonathan P. Brazee
  • Space Rogues 1-2 & Grand Human Empire 1-2 by John Wilker
  • Carl Sagan’s Hunt, Amazon.com

Archive link: https://storybundle.com/archives/The-Universe-of-Adventure-Sci-Fi-Bundle


Morning sarà gratuito fino alla fine della settimana.

Probabilmente tra tutti contenuti de ilPost riservati agli abbonati, è il più famoso e il più appetibile.

Io lo ascolto tutte le mattine e, oltre a tenermi informato, Francesco Costa riesce a spiegare in modo mai noioso perché i giornali sono quel che sono, perché le notizie vengono date in un certo modo etc. C'è una parte di meta-giornalismo che è veramente interessante.

Insomma, vi consiglio di provare!

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