All they are waiting for is for you to cease the linuxing and become a technoprimitive. At that point, they can murder you with the just one beat cop everywhere because you will finally be rendered utterly insignificant. They don't want you to reproduce. . . I would only redouble my efforts to stay alive, if as of yet in girlfriended. Good luck!
Great idea. Who didn't like the Colbert Report? Could turn out like a right-wing populist Repor!
But he's got a serious side. You know what those globalists are doing...
Truly the best. Tight core and a jewel: sweet.
Side nostril looks pretty cute too.
Yep. I keep letting people know the true nature of Responders. That's them to a T. Total ass!
Tons of sexual violence in the military like the wife-beater internal military (Responders domestic violence perps)
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Pastor cop sex offender