But she’s a professional movie reviewer now and she couldn’t have done it without US! Like seriously, I doubt this has anything to do with your lame reviews lol
I’m anxious here in Canada…but hopeful ❤️
And it’s so awkward too! It’s so staged and she’s acting like she’s playing with a child much younger than L actually is. Once the camera is off, it seems like she’s probably done
As someone who has worked in many kindergarten and elementary classrooms this happens all the time. It does not mean she’s anything special 🙄 Some kids attach easily and want that/need that positive reinforcements from the adults more than others. Sweet, yes but she seems to take it as a glowing review of her character 🙄
Weird part is wasn’t Arianna’s sister working there (maybe still is?)
I thought the same thing and her kid is front and center! I get it kids do that sometimes but as a parent you at least try to let the bday girl be front and center with the princesses. I doubt she even once tried to call L over to her or anything.
Half of them over there are obsessed with TBP, probably why they hated our sub so much. Like how can you take issue with Alicia but be blind to TBP??
I was thinking the EXACT same thing but was too lazy to go back and check timestamps! At the very least, she would have already applied by then. Also Studio Arts at that particular school is a program that requires no portfolio so technically even inexperienced artists have a shot as well to work on their skill.
Just in case we all forgot she’s been married twice 🤣
So is she in here because she totally addressed this 🤣