Remember ladies, you can only be confident or relevant if you walk with “confidence” in a string bikini while overweight. Nothing else. Please don’t bother going to school. Or a career. Or have a nice personality. Or do good for your community. Or put others first. Nobody cares about that.
Hello new Lemmy friends!
Word on the street tells us our community is regularly making it the all page. While this is very cool news to hear, we can see how the sudden emergence of our posts in your feed might feel jarring and probably raises some questions. And also how, without knowing the backstory, our community might appear less than virtuous, so here’s a very brief introduction which hopefully will clear a few things up.
The woman we’re discussing is a body positive influencer and media personality who has gained fame and wealth by lying, manipulating, exploiting her children for content, plagiarizing BIPOC creators and blaming her BIPOC content editor for it (thereby ruining her career), among other things. Her fraudulent behavior is no different (I’d argue worse) from the likes of Jay Shetty (google him if you don’t know who he is or what he did). She’s the latest in a long line of grifting influencers who are abusing their power, taking advantage of their position and exploiting their followers. The difference is that she’s Canadian. Our laws around social media and advertising aren’t as clear (and where they are she’s disobeyed them), add to that, our mainstream media has protected her from those who’ve tried to expose her grift and silenced/intimidated anyone who’s tried to speak out.
Our Reddit sub was taken down due to reports of copyright infringement, which is unfounded and categorically untrue as no one ever tried to steal her work and pass it off as their own. The mods have made an appeal. While at first glance it may seem like we’re just “shitting on her” the sub has been more devoted to investigation and posting proof of her lies than just bitching for the sake of bitching. The reality is that she’s hurt, manipulated and let down a lot of people. She stole intellectual property and employment, caused mental distress and has repeatedly told lies to boost engagement and profit off her audience, so people are understandably upset that their voices are being silenced.
We’re grateful to have been welcomed so kindly by so many of you, and to those sticking around to watch the drama unfold, we’re glad to have you!
**all posts are alleged.
-Please follow Lemmy content guidelines. See
-Minor's Right to Privacy: No posts about the children whatsoever. No mention of full names and no photos. Minors must be completely removed from all photos/videos. No exceptions. This goes for ANY child. No just TBP's.
-No snarking on the character or appearance of any of the children. This is a site dedicated to Sarah Landry.
-No posting information that is not readily available online/NoDoxxing: Influencers post an abundance of personal information online. Examples of doxxing include:
- Posting an individual's phone number or address on the internet.
- Releasing information about an individual's family, place of employment, or other private documents.
- Encouraging others to use released information to harass an individual.
-Comments Regarding Mental Health: Jokes or Snide remarks about mental health or unaliving oneself will not be tolerated under any circumstances. No armchair diagnosing.
-Do not post or solicit communication with TBP or related influencers: This includes screenshots and references to 'this is what I commented.' Please message a mod if you would like to share anything anonymously.
-No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, body shaming or other ism/bigotry.
-No TBP crusaders
-No commenting with the sole purpose of being rude/insulting: while criticism/debate is welcome on the page, being purposefully mean, insulting and rude is not.
-No brigading/incitement of mass harassment. Do not post links to affiliate sites, or incite members of the sub to brigade against TBP/related parties (this includes brands).
-Fact check and do your homework: Make sure to research before posting. If you are posting photos or videos that are filtered/photoshopped, make sure it is blatantly obvious. No rumours. no speculations (example Ozempic use).
-No overly vulgar language.
-No advertisement of any kind
-No duplicate posts
Thank you for writing this. She sends a horrible message to you people. Her whole crew does. How to live like Sarah Nicole Landry: Don't bother with an education. Don't have a career. Make one up. CEO! Always steal other people's ideas. Exploit children. Whine. Bitch. Moan. Lie. Plagiarize. Take. Ask and take. Grab everything you can get your hands on. Claim you are a victim. Don't help others. Filter. Be a mean girl. YOU come first. Now take your clothes off.
I don't know why she couldn't have just sponsored a child and stayed home? It has to always be about her. She literally just got back and left her kids again. I know we talk about L a lot, but what about B and the J? I have a 14 yr old too, and she needs me soooo much. Much more than she ever has before. At least emotionally. She's such a selfish B.
"I went to Paris and all I got was this shit content"
Trying to go viral with a wannabe model walk
Walking with confidence? While using a filter? Where are your stretch marks? Why is your skin blurry? Ugh. She can't be for real!!??
And why is confidence always about her body and appearance? What about her abilities?
Yes! This. She is so shallow!!
With her “natural” face. She’s played this game for years now. Real photos of Sarah gets posted from events or by others so she gives glimpses of less edited photos to mess with people who might question if she edits. I think she is despicable.
I’m talking about her face in this video. Her body looks edited in very strange ways.
You’d think she would look for the glitches before posting
Oh the mysterious vanishing stretch marks. Once again, so boring. Same old shit over and over and over again. Damn she really has nothing else going for her aside from stretch marks and a belly that she makes vanish, what kind of message is that?
It also has a body and face filter, but again so brave
Is this her new face she’s trying to sell? Because it is not her real face whatsoever! Jfc she needs to be cancelled, she’s such a fraud. She really thinks she’s a 20 year old.
Her saying that her hair has natural volume 🙄. There are candid photos that beg to differ. Nor does she mention the 2000$ hair extensions. Don’t act like your fake hair is because of a product bird. I remember when I realized she also edits her hair in photos, I was 🤯.
Shane’s bday is probably happening this week-ish - maybe thats why Sarah didn’t mention it. But she didn’t mention anyone, did she? No gratitude for her mother raising her toddler, or for cooking for everyone. No cute shots with her beautiful sister. I think they are all sick of you. But what do you do when your controlling, manipulative narcissist sister/daughter/wife/mother cries dark thoughts and couch watch?! They have to be tired of her.
The fucken peace sign!!!!!!
She wants everyone to think Caudalie is out here making miracles ffs. She knows she’s a fraud and does not give a shit at this point because she’s realized her fans are too stupid to notice or they don’t care.
I feel like she’s been even more of a fraud since she came back because she knows there’s professional photos of her out there from the trip and she wants to double down that she doesn’t look that way and it’s just “different lenses”.
I said it the other day. I think she might try and go for more makeup/skin care brands after this France luxury trip. Kosas is headed to Hawaii.
As if! She's back to this era of hair⬇ both images look photoshopped and like two different people.
A goodie posted on Reddit. Birdies a fraud as usual
I had no idea it was Shane’s bday. She made it seem like it was B’s. Did I miss something?? Usually she makes a massive production about her amazing grifted gift she got him.
Why don’t you oh idk SPEND TIME WITH YOUR KID after being at Disney, instead of acting like a teenager!!!!!! Man her priorities are fucked. Why not be consumed by your kid instead of videos that have no bearing on your life. Like she does not care at all about L (or any of the kids) or her husband that she’s sooooo in love with.
I swear she’s looking at her phone instead of paying attention.
Definitely, so obvious that is what she is doing. How disrespectful to the guest. The mic's strategic placement is so annoying. We know it's to cover her chin and neck but it looks so stupid front and centre on the screen.
An organization she uses to get another Disney trip in basically. She was just in France now she’s off to do this tomorrow 🙄
Why doesn't this organization take someone who the kids will know? There are dozens of kid-friendly YouTube stars in Canada. Or the Raptors mascot? Instead, it's "look, the naked mom is here."
Alicia is going and she doesn’t even like kids . All these 2 clowns care about is getting to Disney
Imagine when L realizes she was born as a content baby and was raised by her grandmother because her birther couldn't give a sh*t about anybody, but herself. At this point. NK should just have legal custody of her and stop with the mind games for this little girl
Agreed! Her mother is never around and when she is at home she just drops her at NK’s anyways. Sarah just uses L every so often to make it look like she’s a great mother and they have so much fun together.
She did this with her older kids, while she was claiming to be a "struggling single mother". He ex had them most of the time because she decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore and deserved to live her life now. When she did have them, she would take them to viral bake shops, or ice cream places, fill them with treats, take a million fun photos and after a couple of hours, drop them to NK anyways. Then, throughout the week, she would post pics of them like she was the single mom all week...but people fell for her scam and failed to notice the kids we wearing the exact same outfits in every pic she would post....she's always been a fraud
The pick me follower at 40 (Becci) who can’t make decisions for herself and needs to know what everyone else is doing.
This is so sad. They clearly ate without her / ditched her before for her to beg them to include her. I don’t like the neighbour, but it highlights how mean girl the others two are.