Amazing Race X Bioshock. Would 100% watch this.
joined 2 years ago
Ideally this will eventually be abstracted to a meme through a telescope.
This took me down a rabbit hole for which I was not prepared.
So female masturbation is still sanctified. Got it. Let me just go ahead and close the door and turn on this white noise machine......
"Incel shit"
Ubuntu from 2006 right up until they replaced the firefox deb with a mandatory snap, whenever that was. Then I was on Pop OS for about 6 months, and now Fedora, which I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.
I would upvote this twice if I could
Strong Night Vale vibes
I just donated to lemmy earlier today! It only works if we all work together!
This was an incredible read; thanks for sharing! After I got over the gut punch, I'm finding it really difficult to be upset with RHEL. What are the essential things I want RHEL to do? I want them to provide their source code to their customers. They're still doing that. I want them to contribute code upstream and to related projects. They're still doing that. I want them to continue to advocate for software freedom. They're still doing that. I get that the FLOSS community can be....shall we say recalcitrant?....when it comes to ecosystemic changes. And I know a lot of us view this as a Bad Move (tm). But I just can't muster up the anger. And I continue to appreciate all the positives RHEL and IBM have brought historically and continue to bring to the FLOSS community. Every change is a loss, and every loss has to be mourned, but I just can't be angry about it.