WTF is wrong with these people
Land of the free indeed
WTF is wrong with these people
Land of the free indeed
Well his followers wanted him to run the country like his companies. And with a string of bankruptcies, failures and scams behind him that's exactly what they're getting.
It blows my mind that so many Americans saw this petulant, orange manchild and thought yes, this man should lead us.
I miss Reaper
Well that's disturbing
I fucking wish. And the media doesn't call him out, instead try to interpret the bullshit, try to make something coherent out of the rambling nonsense. I listen to a BBC news podcast and you can hear the incredulity in their voices as they try to sugar coat and give the benefit of the doubt to this lunatic's ravings. They clearly know but it's like they see calling out his lies for what they are as some kind of line they dare not cross. Gotta appear balanced even if one side of that equation is disconnected from reality. It's beyond infuriating.
Lying liar lies. Who'da thunk it
He lies to his own country but now he's lying on the world stage. Does he think we buy it? He's lying about events we all saw unfolding ourselves! We're not stupid, we don't suckle on the Fox teat like his ignorant cult followers. It's bizarre and extraordinary that this is happening. This is no way to run a country, this is no way to interact with the rest of the world. You chose this demented crook to represent you? WTF
If I was American I'd be so embarrassed
Sooner or later they're gonna run out of feet to shoot themselves in
It's extraordinary how Americans have elected someone who is actively weakening the country and no one is doing a fucking thing about it.
Putin is a genius.