The guy in the quote is all-in on sky magic. Look him up.
joined 2 years ago
The guy the quote in the article is definitely a believer in make-believe fantasy land nonsense. Look up Claver Kamau-Imani.
We all know the real depravity lies behind the closed doors of moralists.
They believe "separation" is a misinterpretation or something.
Just like Spotify's AI "DJ" is blowing away real DJs.
Not really? Or I don't remember many except maybe one episode. Lots of other goopey biological parts, too, though.
Didn't even know that was a thing.
It's nothing more than a way to ban/imprison whoever they want.
Don't worry, the right is working on replacing them with bible/vocational school.
[SotWW] A Q&A with Rob Schwalb about Shadow of the Weird Wizard Roleplaying Game
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I left several months ago due to the spam. Got that old Reddit itch so came back. Looks bleak.