It’s good at automating basic things, it can really help be a tool but it’s extremely lacking and while it will lead us to new places, I think it will go hand in hand with how we regulate and evolve alongside it.
In college, I focused a lot of my time on working in a laboratory and studying with a difficult major. I also did have a close group of friends but I was far too committed to school.
It ends up working out, most people grow apart from college. It is a special time in your life, you are learning about who you are and what you like to do. Ultimately, in my opinion, it was far more important to me to learn how to work hard, solve complex problems and be resourceful than the social aspects.
If it is your last year, I would heavily recommend focusing on connections with staff, career services, other people who will be useful for getting a job, figuring out how to best apply all these skills you’ve learned into a career.
I was able to use a connection from a class to get into a job that led to the role I’ve been at happily for over a decade. So, definitely I would think about the future, connect with those around you, try to trust yourself that you’ll figure it out.
Of the original Dark Souls? Vaati’s series is very illuminating but the story itself is mostly told through the item descriptions and NPC interactions.
This summary on the wiki covers the overarching story!
Well said, I do like the phrase tolerance here for the reasons you’ve outlined. I also agree that by looking at “safe spaces” it’s really putting the onus on the people who are offended as opposed to the offenders.
If you roll up to a space known for its tolerance and you can’t get a long? You are probably the problem
After the TOTK release, all the amazing mechanics, graphics, and creativity? While I think maybe TOTK is setting new bars, it really shows how much they’ve just churned out the Pokémon games without any thought.