But have you tried Cisco Webex Teams? Or how we liked to call it "My first rails application.example.exe".
I appreciate the effort you put into your post. I did see the CitizenCon last year. But it definitely looked more like a loading screen animation than the quantum boost minigame. To be fair it was part of the trailer as you mentioned. And my issue was that everything we are getting right now always seems to be tier 0 with the promise to fix it later.
I wonder if it will have any associated gameplay or just a loading screen animation. AFAIK there was something planned but it feels like we are only getting tier 0 implementations of everything for the next few years.
FFS. I think at this point we need an AI bot here just to just translate all this corporate speak back into normal human language.
Yep. Hatte mich verlesen. Aber interessant das Miele 10 Jahre Garantien auf die Motoren gibt. Werde die dann auch in Betracht ziehen. 10 Jahre auf die Motoren heißt dann ja vmtl auch das sie kein Zink mehr verwenden für die Aufhängung, damit sie nach zwei Jahren bricht.
Ich hab mich auch mit meiner Mutter unterhalten die auch Miele empfiehlt aber auch gleich sagte das die Machinen unter 1500€ von Miele im Laden sich alle billig anfühlen. Ich denke da wird richtig gespart.
Hab mich gerade schon mal danach umgeschaut. Gibt tatsächlich einige Händlerangebote für Miele in der Region für ältere Maschinen.
Werde ich auf jeden Fall in Betracht ziehen.
In general this looks pretty good. I wonder how well precision targeting will work in high octane situations.
With this hopefully being the final flight model I hope they will finally spent time on balancing things out.
Though I wonder how they will handle ships that are simply limited by their hull/cross section like the Aopa ships. I can't imagine them ever being more than a huge target.
Don't think they can afford to subside the sale if they don't have their own shop. So maybe lower binned parts from AMD?
They have to save money somewhere.
Für die Leute die die Option haben gibt's auch Netzwerk via Alter TV-Kabel, also Coax. Mit MoCA. Die sind soger noch ein ganzes Stück effizienter als powerline. Mit 2,5Gbps und mehr erreichbaren Geschwindigkeiten.
Preislich nimmt sich das auch nicht viel zu powerline.
So many houses on the market that are essentially just ruins by modern energy standards. In many cases you have no choice but to completely start anew. The issue is that the prices don't reflect that. You have a house built in the 60s with oil heaters and no insulation going for 700k or more. So you will be out for the house/land, the demolition and then a new house as well. On the other hand trying to renovate the same house would probably be the same amount of money but you are still living in an old house.