Stacy and her mom can get the fountain working. They've got it going on.
If anything we need more Wayne. Buckets of Wayne, piles of Wayne, FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE!
I'm very curious about the alternative hypothesis.
It's all good.
I like the idea of watching classic videos maybe it will showcase more accessible techniques.
We have watched a few rodney mullen videos, but we weren't really watching for techniques.
I'm personally just interested in getting steady enough to pump the ramps and cruise around
Hey, I appreciate the sentiment but I think you're reading to much into my words.
This is like the opposite of helicopter parenting. I'm literally trying to set up my son to have fun when he doesn't want me around. I'm not interested in him skateboarding for anything other than fun (well it's also a good way to talk about evaluating risk and making smart decisions).
He has something inside of him that drives him in a way I don't understand. I'm not sure it's healthy to be honest.
A few months ago he had a goal of riding his skateboard off a small ledge (maybe twice the height of a curb). He practiced riding off a sidewalk onto the grass for what felt like 2 hours (the ledge was at a skatepark not near home). He wanted me to film it so that he could figure out what he needed to do, and to show mom.
It's great that you still skate, I'm actually thinking about learning so that I have something to do at all the skateparks I'm getting dragged to. At one skatepark we met a guy that was in his 60s that learned in his 50s so that was a bit inspirational.
It has a weight inside at the top. Before being knocked is balanced, then the the weight 'falls' forward causing the tire to seem to be rolling up the ramp. But the center of gravity is going down.
I don't think anybody is suggesting that Tesla had a sign that says "heil" in Tesla's font manufactured and installed on their factory next to their name. It's a projection by a protestor to draw attention to Musk's Nazism.
there is NO way the US would allow that without things getting much, much uglier.
Or they could you know reverse the tariffs that caused the counter measures...
I think you're neglecting the Manifest Destiny period of westward expansion, and you're limiting your consideration to the paradigm of colonial empire. The American empire is different, it's a neo-colonial empire.
I'm a rank amateur but in my limited understanding of history it seems similar to the ancient Persian empire: basically a system of client states each with a permitted level of autonomy within a framework of tribute/favorable trade relations. Enforced with a network of garrisons.
When the CIA backs a coup and installs a friendly government that signs a defense pact, and makes it easy for American capital to thrive, what would you call that state other than a client state?
That's just my understanding as a lay person though, how do you understand it?
Donkey kong country on SNES
B A R R A L on the save game selection menu
I stumbled across a theory that really early christian figure Paul of Tarsus was a Roman/Herodian plant trying to thwart Jewish uprisings. I've only seen videos so far and I don't know how credible it is really, but it was a really interesting idea, I'm sure you could find an essay if that's the sort of historical conspiracy theory you're interested in.
Yeah! I'd worry about directly incentivizng men to sexually harass women, conversely: providing harassers the cover of "fame seeking" to obscure genuine harassment.