if not, there's work to be done
After reading your comment, I preferred Reddit
yet another outrageous distraction while his own people continue to dismantle government agencies from within.
They're only responsible unless it's something like 911 and then they bear no responsibilities whatsoever, according to 2001 TV and news and politicians and newspapers and basically all of American reality at the time
I hear it pairs well with Super Mario Bros
next up: US Bill proposed to jail people who watch MSNBC US Bill proposed to jail people who watch PBS US Bill proposed to jail people who don't buy a cybertruck US Bill proposed to jail people who don't vote GOP
So much freedom, so little time.
Don't hate the timeline, hate the news. There are real people out there still trying to make the world work, getting stepped on, pushed over, marginalized, silenced. They need you. They need all of us. Do not let The Bastards win.
(I'm still workshopping the "don't hate the player hate the game" - suggestions are welcome. Words can still inspire people, even before coffee)
Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (C64)
boardgame strategy meets head-to-head combat. Absolutely solid game.
now we're talking
he's got "ring around the nostrils"