Some instances don't have any checks or barriers for signing up, so the bots can just get accounts from these kind of instances and keep spamming.
It was already discussed in a post here, lrt me see if I can find it
Some instances don't have any checks or barriers for signing up, so the bots can just get accounts from these kind of instances and keep spamming.
It was already discussed in a post here, lrt me see if I can find it
In meiner Heimat, Norwegen, ist es sogar Pflicht ein verletzes Tier umzubringen, wenn es nicht zu retten sei. 'Tiere sollen nicht unnötig leiden'.
Ich habe selber eine Katze umbringen müssen, nachdem sie unter ein Auto kam, und halb gelemt wurde. Es war keine leichte Aufgabe, aber die Tierärztin, die ich angerufen habe, meinte es sei die bessere Alternative fürs Tier. Entweder endet man das Leiden jetzt sofort, oder man wartet eine Stunde bis die Tierärztin kommt und die Katze einschläfert.
Die Frage ist vielleicht, ob das Tier wirklich so schwer verletzt sei, dass man es umbringen müsse.
Ich dachte, man trinke schon auf Arbeit das erste Bier..
Looks super nice, well done
I could paste an example of how we did it if you want
I used saltstack for work some years ago, the fact that you need to install salt minions and connwct them to master was enough to convince us to unless you need Saltstack for some specfic reason, I recommend ansible instead.
We had pillar data in repos, one top file total.
After 3..e5 play 4. g3 and fianchetto your bishop? Very rare move at master level (<1%) and has close to the same evaluation as 4. Nc3
I almost never face this opening, so cant even remember if I havre a line prepared
There is also the 'Schachnovelle' by Stefan Zweig, which is an entirely fictional novel, can also recommend to any non-chess person
I also think Fine gold references the book in some of his videos on Tal:
Tal, Mikhail (1997). The Life and Games of Mikhail . It follows the life of Tal in his own writing, and includes of course many of his games. The writing is funny, and you get an idea of the craziness that went on inside this maestro's mind.
You're the best, Milan, thanks!
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