This sucks! I like the show a lot.
Can someone explain to me the significance of her usage of the lower case “i”? She’s clearly make a point of some sort but I don’t understand it.
Well he was also caught cheating on his wife with a prostitute which is a big deal in SK and especially so for someone like him that capitalized on his squeaky clean family man image.
Not saying it’s okay, but it’s not just the drugs.
Huh? This is a problem with the 12v battery though?
For a lot of people (me included), Nine was their first Doctor and you always have a soft spot for your first Doctor, I think. I’d love for him to come back in a special but understand that he had a rough time with the production and don’t blame him at all for distancing himself.
They were blocked for good reasons, I say keep them that way.
I’m in my mid 30’s and I doubt my mind’s any sharper than Biden’s.
It’s one of my most hated films this year! Total trash.
Porque no los dos?
Oh no someone said a bad word!! You better go tell your mommy and daddy!!!
Well honestly that dog should be rehomed. Your family is not fit to have a dog.
Sure yeah. One China. One Taiwan. It’s all good.