Don't fine him directly. Fine doing business with his company interests to starve him of income. Like the modern slavery laws. It's useless going after the slavers but if caught using people that have been trafficked then your company gets a hefty fine and make it expensive to show that you comply. Something like that but for advertising on sites that intentionally spread misinformation and do little to nothing to prevent it (i.e. Twitter).
I genuinely can't believe what is happening. What timeline are we living in?
Maybe it's time we designated Musk as a terrorist?
Thirdly, which leading politician has enough balls to say it out loud that the UK must rejoin as soon as possible?
The Lib Dems and the Greens and the SNP. But we were too busy "never trusting the Lib Dems" because they made us pay for our university education and magic Grandpa was kinda exciting around that time.
So instead of voting in a stronger pro EU opposition that could have actually opposed this in parliament, we elected a bunch of far left idealogues that wanted to leave as much as right wingers.
C'est la vie 🤗.
Is Musk going to run for Reform leader? Claim some vague British connection via South Africa?
if I wanted to post rants
Better music, better life outlook, better jobs... take me with you.
The UK (and other countries) should instead heavily tax companies that advertise on sites proven to spread disinformation. Couple of hefty fines for a few big advertising users and Twitter starts to lose (even more) money since it isn't worth the risk of advertising there.
Direct action against Musk or Twitter isn't going to work. We need to be sneaky ☺️.
I was expecting the baby to pee in his face or something. Why have you tricked me into feelings, internet? Why?
The government has two problems which is why it's being so laissez-faire about introducing any measures: First it has to be seen to not singling out anybody in particular. Any changes in the rules can't seem to benefit one party in and curtail others. The blow back would be even worse. Secondly, any changes need to keep the already massive income stream open for the incumbents.
Labour and Tory parties: oh shit... where has all our money gone?
If it was so simple you'd imagine why this hasn't already been done and got 100% parliamentary approval. Because like voting reform, these fuckers will only do what keeps their parties in power for the longest time. And if that means putting up with that jizz ball Musk, then that's what they'll do.
😆 Hahaha. Not everyone in that Labour era, no. But a large majority of them.
I agree with you. But also... we always say this. _There's nothing we can do because FPTP, oh well". Surely leaving the European Union was seismic enough to get us off our arses and vote for a third option? But apparently not. What else is seismic enough? Climate change? Nah more Labour Tory please. Economic austerity? Nope not interested yet.
As much as I hate FPTP at some point we have to admit that the majority of people don't hate it (enough) or give a shit (enough) to change anything. We want this life.