Because if you think that embassies all around the world, including our own, aren't already used for espionage activities and that the host countries don't know this, well I have a monorail to sell you.
An embassy? Used for espionage? Well I never!
As much as they are still Nazis in the USA, yes.
Wait till your management team hires AI to be operated by off shore workers!
For a second I read this as:
Most of the world is glad Donald Trump is back, says Lemmy
And thought what the fuck that's not what they're saying around here!
Sorry not going to turn off my ad blocker for this.
Th best scenario as I see it is that the UK pays for membership to all the E* bodies that it would have had membership to when in the union. Stuff like the science projects or standards agencies and the like. Eventually someone might say, hang about why are we paying for all this when we could get this and more via some membership?
But that's not going to one parliament away. The UK will be outside for at least 20 years. At least. Unless we stop voting Labour and Tory. But that isn't going to happen. 30 years.
Labour isn't willing to lose 30-40% of it's voters. Cold hard truth. Thus they will never countenance rejoin on any level.
Closer "defence" arrangements is as far as they will go.
But carrying a piece of paper around has been part of my life for so long. I will write to my MP about this immediately!
How do you bake a swastika into a cake like that? I'm fascinated by this. From a baking point of view, of course 😅.
So when he said "grab them by the pussy" he was just talking about having a wank?