Well is to be deleted asap or never install imo .
i wished i didnt
Well is to be deleted asap or never install imo .
i wished i didnt
in fact its whyred , codename with xiaomi are so confusing
I tend to use riseup all time , for VPN , mails , file transfer , pads etc.. i find that their views are very clearly exposed and like their politics , but should we be concern about the fact that their servers are US based ( heard some args this)? Also id like to have details about how RiseupVPN is working , and if all traffic go throug or just part , for example does it really take in charge P2P /torrent ? ( real question is can i use it to protect from Hadopi ? ) . Also the service is based on donations so dont forget to give what you can so they can continue to offer free pricing vpn to us :)
well i think the codename for me is vince not whyred , will take my time to do this properly if possible.
thx :) yeah shitty situation , that's happening so many times not planing to repair , because a broken screen is not harmless to me but the whole thing scares me because of xiaomi and android reputation ... but a dumb phone is always good to have :) when $$ will come in i'll think about buyin the right hardware to take care of my digital life , and before this 'ill get a shitty nonsmartphone and maybe see where i can get with LOS , some said this could work well if i take my time doin it right :)
i'll try to make this work on mine then :)
one gave it to me cause the screen is broken on top , but its working normally , so selling it will not be that easy. but thx ;) i agree best solution here is just to change the hardware.
would be so happy if someone can confirm that this will work with just installing redminote5pro version of lineageOS
do you know about good projects of Libre OS on phones that could run on this model ? or if lineage will ?
yep thats my thinking too but i cant find the exact model on devices list and im afraid to take steps with a wrong install process.. but may be bricking it once and for all is the solution so i can get my nokia 3310 back
Icecast is good for audio brodcasting and well documented , can be use with vlc, or mixx for example