
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The 5 star reviews are... well they are something.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Also you have to be fine being openly racist and shitty. Then just hope the left will understand your motives and forgive.

I think it's easier for dems to move right as they get older on account of mental decline. Fetterman had a stroke. RFK had brain worms. Brains don't magically "get better" with age. They can however be injured and get worse.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Consider if he's incapacitated. That takes away 1 vote in the senate. If he dies, the KY governor is required to pick from choices provided by the party of the departing senator. So they would necessarily be republican.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

People being put on some list like that "without their consent" is a totally different topic in my mind. To me that's more of a system failure rather than a problem with what the system is attempting to accomplish. The first person mentioned though had quotes alluding to the person ostensibly consenting. So that again is a bit of a different topic that would focus on what constitutes informed consent. That being said I've approached this under the assumption that the DNR order is valid and from a fully informed and consenting person.

That being said, the fact that they have actual lists is mind boggling. I can't understand why a list like that would even need to exist. That information should be with the records for that person, not jumbled into a list with other people. So as far as something being a culture shock to me, that right there.

Further, your 10 questions and other comments seem to be conflating DNR with suicide. This might be where we have a cultural difference. In the US, DNR is not usually conflated in this way. It is also not conflated with euthanasia which is closer to suicide. I'm assuming most users here are either US based or some other country with similar views on DNR to the US. I have a feeling this is where most people commenting are confused with how you are discussing this topic.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 day ago

Pretty sure that state law was rammed through at warp speed once Beshear was elected but prior to him taking office.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago (2 children)

You aren't explaining "your environment" well. You are being way too vague and abstract on these concepts.

the patient's perspective would never fly in my environment

This doesn't make sense. Your "environment" not regarding a person's choice to forego certain medical treatment sounds more like a personal preference. It's hard to envision anywhere not understanding there are people that wish to discontinue medical treatment for whatever reason. Whether you personally agree with it or not is irrelevant to the overall environment. So the way you have approached that topic feels like it's your opinion rather than the overall culture of your "environment".

So can you elaborate on your "environment" and how it regards someone opting to not be resuscitated? If you want a specific, consider an elderly person with aggressive cancer along to be DNR?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Well what is your viewpoint? After multiple comments I still can't piece it together.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

It matters how the law is worded (at least in the US). Parking tickets are always worded that the owner of the vehicle is responsible. Otherwise anyone could claim they weren't the one that parked there. Generally speeding and actual moving infractions go to the driver not the owner.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

Doctor Mike is a real doctor with a youtube channel. He reviews multiple episodes of House and they're hilarious. It's like every time House has some epiphany and orders some new radical treatment he winds up yelling "WHY!?" into the ether.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

They formed a committee!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

Of course they are. Some are just created more equal.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago (6 children)

But an educated populace is anathema to the ruling class.


I'm hoping to find a game similar to Borderlands Science. Preferably something that can be played on a phone. Top tier would be the ability to play offline (sometimes I don't have great cell service though I understand it would need to be connected to some degree).

I can easily zone out on somewhat mindless games and play for hours if I have the free time or spare attention. Progress tends to be my limiting factor. If I've just put 10 hours into a game and the next time I pick it up is the exact same as the first it can feel like a waste. If instead, those mindless hours were going to a good cause that is progressing (even if I don't directly see that progress), it might make it easier. Plus it's going to a good cause.


The cliche understanding is that dogs mark their territory with pee. At times I've been on walks with family and friends with half a dozen dogs. There have been occasions where they form a line just to pee in the same spot.

So how does the ownership work? Is it like a co-op? Last one to pee wins?


How bad are everyone else's side effects? I currently take a 30mgXR in the morning and 10mgIR part way through the day. I can get some facial tics and other OCD like symptoms. They aren't bad enough to lower my dose or make other changes at this point. Just wondering what others are experiencing and if anyone has any tips or tricks to dealing with stuff like that.


My understanding is a lot of "greens" eventually become "brown". Green leaves when they dry up would switch to a "brown". Same with dead grass.

With that in mind I tried a very lazy process of only adding greens for a continual process. My first addition to my pile this year was grass clippings. They still haven't really broke down.

Is my approach fundamentally flawed? Or is there something I'm missing to improve the process?

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