Yess kitler โค๏ธ
I do not believe the kind of mentality that you can make anything out of any situation with your mindset or things like that, for example that idea that if you are just super positive and hard working life will just give you sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you are dealt a very bad hand and you can't win the game. It's more like the quote "what doesn't kill you makes you wish it did" However, the quote in post from OP doesn't imply that you can just wield any circumstance your way. It just says that you only have control over how you react to it, which is true. Example: I got laid off at my job last week. I felt upset and very sad. My instinct reaction is to go retreat in my shell and not do any of my responsibilities because I feel depressed, sad and angry. But that will only give me more shit in the future. Instead I went to my other job, met friends, and tried to find some silver lining and make the best of it.
Yes this quote can be used in a toxic positivity kind of mindset but it's also almost always in your best interest to make the best out of your situation, even if it's shitty.
It really does have that same look that Google Keep has! Thanks for recommending, I will try this! Do you have experience with syncing Quillpad with Nextcloud?
You're right, I didn't come at this neutrally. I didn't get that you were talking from the perspective of being a guy, sorry. I respect that you still try to assume good intentions and you're right that it will probably get you further than assuming the worst about people. I might have been talking about a different point than you, but my view on that is still the same. I just do not think the guy in question had other intentions than to pick up a girl and I do not agree with his conclusion at the end. The whole concept of the incel mentality is just frustrating to me and I have no idea how to handle that. And yes you're right, that if the guys were a bit more elaborate on why dude was in the wrong they could've helped the dude. I mean he probably doesn't have friends in the first place which makes it even worse to try and talk to people.
Yes you definitely have a point, I guess it would be better to assume the best and show compassion. I think it's just more difficult when creepieness becomes danger.
That actually makes a lot of sense, thanks!
From my experience, they're usually very nice people that really enjoy all animals
He's self aware