For Star Trek, there is an in-universe explanation which is essentially that Humanity and many other classic humanoid species you see (Klingons, Vulcans, Romulans, et al) were all essentially "seeded" by the same ancient race of aliens. That race (the Progenitors) evolved way earlier than everyone else and found themselves alone in the galaxy, so they got down to the seeding. (I know this has also been touched on in S5 of Discovery so please forgive me if they changed anything lol)
I don't know that my absolute favorite artist has a bad song. But here are a few songs I hate by artists that I love:
Bloc Party (original lineup/first 4 albums): 3 x 3. Not sure why, just feels anxious in a bad way? Always a skip for me.
Keane: Ishin Denshin (You've Got To Help Yourself). This is a cover from an EP so maybe too deep of a cut, but man do I hate this track. Just feels cloying and awkward. Like they were trying to recreate the original but were too in awe of it.
Peter Bjorn and John: The Feeling. The first track from their true followup to Writer's Block. Just feels like it's a song that's weird for the sake of being weird.
I think a significant part of this problem is that, from what we can see in the photo, they 100% should have pulled forward so that they didn't entirely block the sidewalk. Someone coming through there on a wheelchair or with a stroller would have a real bad time. It also looks like it's out in the road a little, which is very inconsiderate as well.
Yup, you got my point exactly! Appreciate ya.