
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I agree, you don't have to have a "career" but I think everyone would be more fulfilled with a thing they are passionate about. That could be anything, just some way of improving the world.


Бонус поени ако нађете некога кога познајете 😆


Bonus points if you find someone you know 😆

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It's a parody of the don't thread on me flag


Поздрав свима, видевши да не постоји Lemmy заједница за нашу државу, одлучио сам да је направим. Надам се да ћемо овде моћи да разговарамо о разним дешавањима, животним проблемима, политици и наравно да разменјујемо мимове :D

Hello everyone, seeing there is no Lemmy community for Serbia i decided to make one myself. I hope we can talk about various events, life problems, politics and exchange memes :D