
joined 2 years ago
Article (discuss.online)

Steviol glycosides (SGs) in Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) leaves are important due to their high sweetness and low calorific value. The yield of SGs is dependent on fertilization regimes, but the relationship between nitrogen (N) administration and SGs synthesis is still unclear. In this study, we investigate the effects of N rates on SGs production through hydroponic and plot experiments. The SGs yield was not significantly changed by N fertilization, but leaf SGs concentrations were significantly reduced due to the "dilution effect". Additionally, N addition decreased leaf carbon (C)/N ratio and soluble sugar concentration, accompanied with the inhibited phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and L-phenylalanine ammonia_lyase activities. A significant positive correlation between leaf SGs concentrations, C/N ratio and soluble sugar concentration was observed. Overall, we suggest that N-driven Stevia growth negatively affects SGs concentrations. The leaf C/N ratio and soluble sugar changes indicated the occurrence of metabolic reprogramming. #Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31195254/


A gentle soul gone among us, We look with nostalgia in memory, We are poorer, sadder, more empty, In my heart, we carry his love.

Unconditional love is the most powerful force in the universe, and none of it means weakness or helplessness, because it is three-dimensional energy and should not be confused with the emotion of love.

The word "Love" represents energy . It therefore obeys all the nuances, doubts and fears that are part of our 3D world. in emotional love, we can be weak and vulnerable, insecure and confused. Emotions have their origins in the past-we love according to what we have experienced in our lives, with the emotional DNA, with the history and dynamics of the soul group. Emotional love is conditioned and doubtful, unconditional love is not. If we think of your unconditional love as similar to the air we breathe, it becomes much easier to understand and approach. Air is everywhere, it is essential for life, used by everyone and freely available to everyone. Do not judge, condemn, limit or criticize. He blesses and nurtures life without asking any questions. We can connect to the air or not, it's our choice, just as others can connect to us or not, or we to them – everything is a choice. But when we consciously pay attention to being with this vibration, we always attract the highest aspects of the third dimension, because they are at this level of vibration.

With you, Titilica, we have reached the level of unconditional love by being at our highest vibration. With each inspiration, we receive your unconditional love, and with each exhalation, we share it with the world, because when love passes through the vibrational field, it blesses and uplifts us. Being aware of this vibration, we attracted at the same time all the emotional love we wanted.

Your unconditional love is the only thing in the entire universe that could truly help us experience the joy, freedom, acceptance and peace we wanted.

We love you and forgive us!