Otherwise, Discovery isn't bad.
It has quite good characters, good actors and a compelling story arc.
I didn't like the overload of visual effects, but this seems to be a thing of our time.
Picard was, IMO, not a TV series, but pure fan service. If it hadn't been for Jeri Ryan, it wouldn't have been watchable. The third season was the worst.
SNW was clearly made to not offend anybody. Solidly made, no experiments.
Just the right thing to keep an extremely conservative fan base happy.
Discovery had one (big) flaw:
Unnecessary dialogues!
Except for the episodes directed by Jonathan Frakes, they totally ignored the "Show, don't tell" rule.
That's actually a problem.
There is no backup for this collective memory outside the servers of this company.
I am so sorry for the tragedy that happened to you. I hope, you have people to be with you.
I'm glad, you liked my recommendation. Many people don't get hooked until the 4th episode or so, so, if you're not entirely convinced, give it some time.
(remember the 1st season of TNG?)
It's not Star Trek, but in my opinion, the best SF series since DS9.
I don't say "better", because they are set in different subgenres, so at some point comparison fails.
Let's put it like this: I am as much a fan of one as I am of the other.
There is this scene in the Expanse, when a ship suddenly slows down.
A very messy scene.