Will Trump's team continue to claim this as his achievement?
Are you trying to say they're targeting it at the combatants and therefore it is OK to use it in a civilian area?
Because the photo just above makes it pretty obvious that it isn't a weapon that can be used in a targeted fashion.
OK, but why should this block the sale? The twitter handle is only a small part of the Infowars assets.
What if they put a blue tick on it?
I don't know about Canada, but the UK has "the Crown" at its core. The Crown is not the same as the actual monarch. Property owned by the King and property owned by the Crown are not the same thing, for example.
You're entirely right. Cyclists can't take full advantage of their bikes as long as they have to watch out for pedestrians crossing. It's equally problematic to have to be on the defensive passing every side-street.
The ideal would be to have the 3 types of traffic entirely separated. So the cycle lane is neither next to the pedestrians nor next to the cars.
Well, his tough talk worked with Brazil, didn't it?
I would be entirely unsurprised if the ones protesting are not rich, and they don't realize that they won't be affected.
Do commercial/industrial buildings not require power then?
You aren't wrong, but you are assuming that the grid is required. Solar panels can be installed at the point of use, and then the grid doesn't come into it at all.
She wasn't charged with a terrorist offence, though. She was held because the police thought that there might be a terrorist link.
You have read the word "terrorist" and assumed that what she did falls under that definition, which was the whole idea, of course.
Is it not "use of air-delivered incendiary weapons against military targets in civilian areas" ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_Certain_Conventional_Weapons .