
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Oh, I didn't know you weren't a Satanist! The Tenets are a basic moral guideline for Satanists but also in general, it's a very short read if you'd like to quickly learn about them. I think you and even many Christians will find these to be very reasonable and good. Unlike other religions, there is no hard and fast rules that you must obey. Just be a good person!

I just wish people took a singular moment to learn what TST Satanism is before jumping down our throats and imagining us as goat sacrificing cultists or something. Satan represents rejection of authoritarianism and tyranny, seeking out knowledge, and justice. Satanists value rationality and basing your beliefs on proven science, fighting for justice, equality, respect, and compassion. For many, it's just politically-active Atheism, as we are nontheistic (we do not believe in the supernatural or any deities). I am an atheist, and a Satanist, TST Satanists are atheist or agnostic. It's often described as "atheism describes what I am not (a believer in a God) and Satanism describes what I am and what I believe and value."

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (40 children)

Fuck that guy.

That was my initial reaction lol, but I am making the pointed effort to be neutral. They probably just don't understand, they seem to think we actually believe in and worship Satan rather than what he represents. I avoid being aggressive so I have the opportunity to be heard, people really don't understand Satanism and if I can enlighten them even a bit on what it really means, I'll try to.


[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (59 children)

what inspired you to be so dismissive? did i do something to you?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

religion has consistently always been the strongest joining force on the planet. look at what they have done, ruled, created, changed. the point of Satanism is to get that same togetherness but for positive changes like secularism, rejecting the current authority. if you can't see the point, that's fine, you don't have to like or accept it, but the point is obvious. i don't see why it even matters that it is a religion, it's officially a religion to put it on a similar ground as other religions so that changes can be made. a simple club called Satanism is not going to do near as much, it won't have any legal basis, no one will listen or care.

the moment you find any joining force that is 1. more powerful than religion and 2. will be taken seriously, do let me know

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Satanism is essentially politically active atheism, though yes it IS a religion as well. Atheism describes what I am not, a believer in god. Satanism describes what I am, pro-secularism, pro-equality, pro-justice, pro-bodily autonomy, pro-acceptance, pro-science, pro-rationality, pro-kindness. How could a fellow atheist possible disagree with the point Satanists are making here? You put your religious crap in a government building, then you MUST treat all religions equally and put in a Satanic display as well. You make christian after school clubs, we make after school Satan clubs. You strip people of their bodily autonomy based on your book, we fight for it back with our Tenets.

Atheists don’t support religions

Says who? The King of Atheists? There is no authority figure, you can't generalize. Atheists tend to not support religion when it encourages and normalizes violence, hate, and infringes upon the freedoms and rights of others. Satanism does NOT do that, it fights for our rights BACK. It holds a mirror to these evangelical conservatives. No Atheist is going to hate on a religion built on values based on kindness, acceptance, justice, and rationality. That's a job for Christians. Respectfully, take the stick out of your ass and open your mind a bit. Take time to learn before you speak. If you, as an Atheist, truly do not or rather refuse not to see the point in this, then you're already lost.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

literally anything can be harmful over time. if we want change to happen, if we want christianity out of public school and the government, if we want secularism, if we want justice, we have to WORK TOGETHER. why are they so powerful? conservatives and christians? because they have worked together to force their ideaology into everyone else. myself alone as an activist won’t change anything, thousands with similar values working together can and HAVE. it’s not even about religion, it’s about community striving toward a goal

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (5 children)

if it were to ever get to a point where the core values are betrayed, i’d simply leave. this isn’t christianity, i’m not going to watch figureheads rape children and stick around. and anyway, with TST, there is a central guiding council for the many dozens of congregations around the world to make sure they’re doing good things and aligning with the right message, there is NO central authority. there is hardly leadership roles. there is no pope, there is no idols.

TST is defining what I am, atheism defines what i am not. I am not a believer in the superstitious or any gods. I am a empathetic person who believes in justice, bodily autonomy, acceptance, and equality for all. TST is that to me, and if it ever weren’t that, than I simply wouldnt be a member. but no one person defined what it is, there isn’t a reality where it is “infiltrated” and suddenly the tenets are changed to evil things. if there’s an asshole who joins, they’re removed. there was one sector leader who began to get extreme and call for hostility and violence, they were fired, unlike priests who rape children and are protected.

it’s 5 am and i just woke up so i hope these rambles make sense lol


This Tenet can have a lot of interpretations and they’re all correct in my eyes.

Inviolable by definition means, “never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored.” The obvious interpretation is that your right to your own body should never be infringed upon, you are the master of your own body and no one and nothing else. This supports things like women’s reproductive rights.

For me it also goes a bit deeper. It means that you are not able to be tainted as a person. There is nothing you can do to yourself that will make you tainted, worthless, or shameful. No amount of piercings, tattoos, sexual partners, and other things society says determines your value, will ever change that. What you do with your body is your business and makes you no less and no more. This may be a stretch for some, I’m not sure, but I felt this meaning to my core when I first read this Tenet and I value it a lot, maybe the most.

I’m curious about your thoughts on Tenet III! How do you interpret it? Feel free to discuss your favorite Tenet as well.

🤘🏽 Hail Satan, Hail Thyself 🤘🏽

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Wonderfully written answer, my discovery of TST was very similar. Hail Thyself 🤘🏽

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I had heard about them originally during the attention they had gotten for some political activism a few years ago. Like any other person, I thought they genuinely worshipped or believed in a Satan, which wasn’t compatible with me as an atheist. I don’t think I took the time to learn more about them from there.

Then more recently, I came across them again. I began to read into what and who they are, and I aligned with their values. I spent a long time just reading and reading, watching ‘Hail Satan?’ and member testimonials. It’s basically atheism 2.0 for me. A way to do, be, and represent more. I am from Iowa, so the desecration of the display also caught my attention further.

🤘🏽 Hail Satan, Hail Thyself 🤘🏽

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

is there a difference between lucifer and satan?

LOL (media.kbin.social)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

love this answer! thank you <3

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

phew, thank you for giving a straight forward answer. i love this answer, exactly what i was looking for.

in a nutshell.. (media.kbin.social)

Curious as to how long after learning of TST did it take you to call yourself a Satanist. Immediate? Gradual? Thanks.

its a vibe (media.kbin.social)
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