Nautilus is abomination in the file browser. Except maybe deepin's
- Remove Snap packages
snap remove <package-name>
(To check snap PKG installed, run
snap list
- Uninstall Snapd
sudo apt purge snapd
- Remove leftover files
sudo rm -rf /var/cache/snapd/
- Optionally install Flatpak if you want an alternative.
sudo apt install flatpak
. Don't forget to visit flathub.
..... And most importantly, stop making it default browser in the most popular OS in the planet.
I am not talking about phones exclusively.
Close It will actually be ~$8000
Lol brighter screen would be against my preference, who uses at 5-15% brightness in any screen.
I exercise when tired. Yogasan specifically. It stretches your muscle groups symmetrically, and makes your breathing synchronous with body (and many more). Find immediate benefit.
God is just Santa for adult christians. And there are no good children or bad.
That God exists
You are assuming a fair distribution of watch time over channels and/or over the viewers. In reality, some channels are highly popular and some are not. A few proportion of people pay for yt premium. Assuming the payer's money get distributed equally to creators, the less popular channels get less amount from those payers. The question is, does google distribute the paid money according to each user's view?
Seriously, that does make sense.