@Showroom7561 @BearOfaTime On a motorcycle, you have that initial acceleration like a car _all the time_, just like an automobile has.
I'm pretty sure it provides you a little bit of extra production analogue/standard bikes don't have. And I suspect - don't know, but _suspect_ - that an Idaho Stop emulates the same thing.
That initial acceleration is one of the many differences between bikes and motorcycles and maybe something to think about.
(I also used to ride a motorbike. I know cars don't respect them. And because I know what that feels like, I know from personal experience that _this_ is different, and worse.)
@Showroom7561 @BearOfaTime (My _suspicion_ is that they see the slower initial acceleration of a manual bike and something in their brain decides "walking speed" and they make very, very bad and very, very wrong decisions based on that. But now I'm _really_ just guessing and have no real idea.)