The other TL;DR is that Timur Gareyev has been accused by two women of sexual misconduct as well – also largely without proper consequences and transparency by US Chess.
If you want the chess24 live boards to check the games, here you go. I always find their (otherwise terrible) UI to be the best for that.
Also, very happy for Svidler!
I don't know much about the console and such magic which probably makes me not exactly predestined for an Arch-based distro with the AUR where I feel like you can break more than in some more common ones like Mint. Despite that, I have been on Manjaro for years now, still learned only the very basics, but have not found a more stable distro that works so well out-of-the-box with some of the newer hardware I have (or had, it's hardly new anymore). Also, I did in fact find the repos combined with careful use of the AUR to be satisfying.
I did distro-hop a lot especially in the beginning of my Linux adventure and was on Mint for a couple of years as well. And that's what I generally recommend to the other non-tech-savvy folks around me as well: Just try a bunch of the top distros on Distrowatch for a couple of weeks. They all have their advantages and disadvantages but eventually you'll figure out what it really is that you want from a distro and which ones work properly with your hardware – and you'll learn about some fixes for common issues which helps the learning about Linux in general.
There are probably folks who know much more than me who can tell you if Manjaro is objectively better than its bad reputation but from my personal experience as a fellow Linux noob: I found it very stable, decently accessible and the KDE spin with its many themes absolutely beautiful.
Yes! For some reasons it is very hard to find, even through the search feature, but is where it's at. They even have active discussion threads for the big events like r/mma did.
Definitely! I have a suspicion though that this might have been his Hail Mary shot after the bad weight cut. Anyway, happy for him.
It's almost as good seeing Miranda win as it is seeing Cachoeira lose.
Anyone particularly hyped for one of the prelim fights? Giles v Bonfim sounds like fun but the rest seems like a regular bad Fight Night to me.
That's awesome, thanks! Especially the Chess24 link, the only way I ever manage to follow tournaments.
Finally a bit of Counter-Strike 2. Almost felt guilty for not being able to play much despite getting the coveted beta invite.
Does anyone know of an estimation of the net progressiveness (or regressiveness, I guess)? I only found this neat overview of the tax regime changes by EY.
Toller Artikel zu einem Thema, mit dem ich mich nie auseinandergesetzt habe. Dafür bin ich hier, danke!
TL;DR: Die ersten 37% ablehnen, um den Durchschnitt/eine vernünftigerweise zu erwartende Topqualität abschätzen zu können, und danach die erste Bewerberin nehmen, die besser geeignet als alle vorherigen ist.