Good to know. When the 60 day waiting period on transfers expires, I may move my domains to Cloudflare.
I switched from Google Domains to Namecheap and found that they have a non-standard requirement for A records (they require an "@" A record) that messed up the transfer. Godaddy, dyndns, and Google Domains use regular zone transfer tables and I thought those entries were all I needed. Nope. I finally emailed support and they told me what was wrong within 24 hours. But meanwhile, my site was down for that time.
I suppose if you worked with one of the companies they partner with and use the automated templates to generate a new entry, it would work out fine. But I was transferring an existing domain. I know better now. But I put this out to warn others.
Time to upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 12
This cat has the same suspicious look my old cat had growing up every time I pulled out my film SLR with an attached flash. He didn't like the flash and would run after I snapped a couple pics of him. These days, I doubt he'd blink at phone snapping a pic w/o flash.
My father always used to say he had three kids. One of each.
30 years later, I repeated this to my niece and nephew. They were quite puzzled. Especially when my brother laughed saying "I forgot Dad used to say that."
While I can't be sure, but I'll pretty certain that someone saying the same thing about the Police Union Leader's family would be met with a visit from a SWAT team. I wonder where when Anonymous will start doing takedowns of such people. I'm sure there's plenty of dirt underneath this guy's carpets.