It makes sense that they are rebranding to X given how many people have broken up with them in the past few years.
Not a silent era film, but you should add High Noon (1952) to your list of classics to watch. Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly and loads of tension.
So Danielle Smith campaigned on replacing the RCMP with an Alberta Provincial Police force that nobody in the province wants, then complains that the federal government seems reluctant to commit to contract policing. WTF?
I strongly recommend the book "The Four" by Scott Galloway. He does an excellent job of breaking down how the Four Horsemen (Amazon, Google, Apple and Facebook) destroy regional competition by leveraging their power as content gateways yet constantly skirt regulations that apply to broadcasters. Their cries of "we're not a broadcaster, we're just an aggregator" ring hollow when their algorithms determine what articles & headlines people see and they have shaped public opinion on various topics (e.g. elections, supreme court decisions, labour negotiations, public demonstrations, etc). He outlines how Google outmaneuvered the NYT and became the defacto gateway to all journalistic content because they were able to freely link to content created by others, while still putting an editorial spin on stories through their aggregation (eg should the story talking about "BLM protestors" appear before or in place of the story about "counter-racism demonstators" (narrator: they are the same story).
Because when your boss is doling out shit for everyone to digest, everyone sits there with a wide smile on their face to show how impressed they are with boss's fecal dissemination talent.
This is demonstrably untrue, and contradicted by your own statement. Guardians 3, Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse both did very well in theaters despite being big franchise movies. Audiences aren't tired of the theater, they are tired of spending big dollars for badly written movies at the theater.
Disney and Marvel have been cranking out a massive flood of titles over the past 5 years, and that has diluted the talent pool and shortened the development pipeline forcing way more cookie cutter scripts going through far less review with much worse CGI hitting the big screen. It isn't cinema people that is keeping people away, it is bland, uncreative cinema with bad writing.
The Nazi party was outlawed following the war. The Nazi ideology was not stamped out. The reason why the Nazi party didn't fight a guerilla war to maintain power was because they didn't have to. Prominent Nazis with valuable skills were pardoned and welcomed into mainstream life (e.g. Werner von Braun became one of the lead rocket scientists for NASA). I don't believe they even had to recant their ideology or party affiliation.
One need only watch a few far right rallies before a swastika flag or three will show up and announce that Nazism is still alive and well 80 years later.