You don't just suck on your old batteries?
Fucking spoiled rich kids and their pharmacy grade lithium...
2035 is quite generous
In my opinion, they already started to fail to compete, as they try to cheap out on pretty much everything
They only thing, they still have going is a very good drive train and battery/range - which is obviously very important for a car/EV, but it's far from the only thing, that matters
There was this article recently, which kinda goes into the same direction:
Although, I'm not really inclined to think of Trump as one with an actual master plan.
He seems just to destabilise the market and although the dollar will fall because of that, there are still much international markets using the dollar - like oil, where the USA even fought wars to keep it that way
But I have to admit, that I didn't completely understand the linked article.
I'm not an economist, but it sounded a bit far fetched for what currently seems to be happening.
As an old fuck:
I'm doing my part to keep our economy up!
Didn't knew about that one
What's up with that?
Would have thought that a legal trade of coca leaves would work out reasonable...well, I'm naive it seems
Just plant some poppies and make yourself a tea
Much cheaper than heroin or fenta, still gives you enough of a buzz, and it can be bio and you know where it comes from without all the possible dirt in it.
I guess, you didn't really mean it, but if someone really thinks about fenta or H as a substitute for alcohol or medical opiates, please consider this alternative, as you have much more control of what you put into your body.
And a tea holds up for like 24h, in comparison to a much shorter timeframe with H or fenta - which in those cases is/was a good thing, as you can dosage it much better e.g. during surgery.
But for pain relief or just recreational stuff, short lived opiates are the devil, as you need to obviously take it more often - and with that, the little thing in your head will always say "oh come on, just a little bit more this time, I had a bad day/I deserved it today"
As said, I'm pretty sure your post wasn't serious, but people in such a situation should still consider safer and more cost effective alternatives.
Yeah, especially with such things, it will probably just become even more desirable by those stupid fucks paying that much for sparkling wine
So, this could actually be a win for Champagne, just like Cuban cigars got the image of being rare, good and expensive
I'm not really knowledgeable here, but isn't Champagner a reserved brand specifically for sparkling wine from the Champagne?
Is it even legal to promote American sparkling wine as Champagner?
Plastic sealed brain is better protected?
I'm pretty sure the point of showing the ads only at intersections is, that the car needs to be in a standstill
So they kinda give you "entertainment", while you're waiting
Obviously a completely shit move, but I'm afraid, we can't hit them for safety issues here
Maybe more relevant would be, that people will miss the green light or produce more traffic jams, because that they're clear to move on
(Or did I miss something how/when they show their stupid ads?)
I just hate, when people quote Goebbels with that shit...
Do you have lithium 9 volt blocks or do you only get your zinc and manganese from it?
But it's probably important to take care of all your nutritional needs and different 9 volt batteries could provide you with quite some of that.
Clever thinking!