And once again the media is creating apologetic headlines. I guess they want people to only realize the leopards ate their faces when they only have their Lying Eyes left.
“Does no one in the media know what it’s called when you ‘clean out’ an ethnic group and expel them from their land?” one commenter asked, adding: "Trump Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians From Gaza," that is your headline.”
Oligarch Wars
I never expected the end to be so boring: White Collar Apocalypse. Wait, what collar colour are billionaires?
Disclaimer: >!I don't actually think it's "The End"!<
Thanks :)
I'm laughing at YouTube's response. I thought that was clear by context.. I guess people who didn't read the article didn't get that? Maybe it was paywalled to them?
Or why are you telling me to STFU?
I'm laughing at ~~their~~ YouTube's response. Obviously someone used a thesaurus to write it and didn't know that "incalcitrant" is not even the word, no major dictionaries list it. It's like using irregardless instead of regardless The word ~~they~~ YouTube wanted is recalcitrant.
And it's very telling that ~~they~~ YouTube used that word because it shows they think they are King.
Stubbornly resistant to authority or control.
Unwilling to obey orders or to do what should be done.
Resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant.
Edit: I'm laughing at YouTube's response. I thought that was clear by context.. I guess people who didn't read the article didn't get that? Maybe it was paywalled to them?
Words matter, and by using the one they did, YouTube is basically saying that they demand people obey them.
I've never seen fahrenheit or miles in Canada.
The only thing we fuck around with is human weight/height in imperial, and I blame that on US TV.
My milk is in litres. My rice is in kilos. I drive in kilometres and the distance is in 'klicks'. Our mountains are thousands of metres tall.
I literally saw someone yesterday! I'm in Canada, so they are a bit rarer, but the slogans are the same. The highlight of the numerous bumper stickers was, "Mainstream Media is the Virus", and my favorite writing on the car rear windshield was about how the bird flu was fake.
I tried staring them down, but they were (unsurprisingly) oblivious.
Because "American" is not their word for themselves. It is the Latinized last name of the Italian explorer (Amerigo Vespucci) who explored the continents.
It would be offensively ironic to name the original dwellers of this land mass after the guy, it would be assimilation.
Oh shit-- is it?! Fuck. Lol, will delete.