Still dumb. Technology is actively saving us right now, as the link I posted shows.
Well for one, I definitely don't watch YouTube videos that should be a brief article.
It's worth it to call out shills so they can't spew their bullshit uncontested. This isn't reddit where a barrage of downvotes hides them. They need active pushback.
I voted for blue in San Francisco and they reduced carbon emissions by 50% despite population growth of 12% and GDP growth of 226%.
I voted for blue in California and they invested $54 billion into transit.
I voted for blue in the US Government and they gave us the single greatest, most ambitious program addressing climate change in the history of the world.
I dunno, but the currency should be rubles
What the fuck are you even trying to say here? More solar panels increases greenhouse gasses??? Loony Tunes
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Every exec I've known was either a good people manager, a founding member, has asaloads of money, or some combination thereof.
Some of them were geniuses, but that actually made them worse at their jobs.
We've broken records almost every year for the past few decades, but hopefully this is the end of it:
Ok now it's a trolley problem, except instead of a trolley it's a US presidential election, and instead of pulling a lever you vote
Budgeting software is a massive force multiplier. Here's a screenshot of my spending last month, categorized by my budget software. It's fairly high, because I had a large vet bill (which I was expecting and had saved for) and I got a bonus which went into my IRA. This is just an overview; you can go deeper into each category and see every single transaction.