Small pickups, like the tiny B2300 I have, were regulated out of existence because emissions limits are scaled partly by square-footage. It's easier to meet emissions requirements with a giant truck than a small one so no one makes the small ones.
Spending your retirement in the US is a huge fuck-you to Canada to begin with. You extracted a retirement's worth of wealth from Canada and then you hand half of it to another country.
edit: a word
Too little too late. There was plenty of opportunity to push train and cycling infrastructure before he burned his reputation and shifted into yolo mode.
Canadian politicians are just as self serving and corrupt as the US.
You were free to refuse the Tesla and take a car that does not generate profit for a Nazi.
That was never a thing, we have the most technologically ignorant government around. At least the US government can use privacy violation for their own gain.
What voice? Your/my choices are between lining the pockets of an ethnically and culturally diverse collection of rich people, or a collection of old, white, rich people.
But we tried lying to them on TV AND online, what else can a politician do?
Both two and a half parties at all levels of Canadian government serve only to protect and promote businesses. The liberals will support their business interests, the conservatives will support their own. Neither will measurably improve day to day life of Canadians, both will make it less tolerable, just in different ways.
A kid on a roof almost made more of a difference than every vote cast in the US.
edit: a word
Blogger uses a clickbait title, you're never guess what happened next!
What happened next is I don't take the article seriously, titling it like the audience is a bunch of 14 year olds with impulse control issues is a great way to burn credibility.
Fubar, Carts of Darkness, The Delicate Art of Parking.
Virtual Box. It's dead easy.
AFAIK it was US regulations but no manufacture is going to make vehicles for just Canada when the US is 10x the market.