I think they're also harmful, OP is feeling he has to learn vim bindings due to Doom Emacs. I agree they are good for users who are heavily wounded people by vim's modal editing and shortcuts, but they need a real treatment eventually.
I don't get the concept of learning vterm, you just start it and use it with Emacs key bindings. Just stop using garbage like Doom Emacs and evil, and start making your own set up.
I stay away from stupid plugins that block my main thread, so of course it's a deal breaker. I want to use those shitty plugins whose authors don't know what they are doing.
For tui user, i think tmux makes sense, it has similar keybindings anyway. For gui users vterm really helps. And it gets you even more familiar key bindings. It works for all the front ground apps I use.
Hi fellow mouse lover, i use it often as well.
Multi-processing is the only way for staying asynchronous.
Tramp has incredibly poor support for non-ssh protocol, dbus one being utterly useless and shouldn't exist to begin with. Just give up and try starting sshd in lxc.
Same. Clipboard sharing with other apps won't work either. I think it's better to build emacs without pgtk. There are no benefits.
Wrong or not, it seems it's completely unnecessary in Emacs 29 for me.
.emacs is so much cleaner now.
jedi-language-server is the only one that works ok. The choice of the language server is really important, so be careful from next time.
Eglot and etc is merely a json-rpc client.
Eglot is really awful when it comes to dynamic configs like workspace config and initialization option. I really went so far as using environment variable and a shell script for using clangd to support switching cmake binary dir. It's so much easier with vim.
In case of python, I stick with jedi-language-server for now. When I figure out how to use pyright, I might come back here and comment again.
Editor hopper