Found this when searching for the same question. Thanks. I guess I just need to be patient.
I think the mags were created as placeholders so people coming from Reddit will at least see some mags that look farmilar.
The feeling I get is that as mags get busy and as people start stepping on each other's toes, mods will be in high demand.
That bring said, @ernest has asked for mods and has mentioned building a moderation team.
Shout out for all the work you done so far @ernest!
Is this the official place for requesting moderation? I would assume it's only for [email protected] magazines.
...which also means mods will be needed to replace mods.
The full link beleive is...
I'm on myself.
Fair and honest poll. Good on them.
I'm curious if that works with unfederated servers or servers that simple just get shutdown. Ie xyz government decides to raid the servers, (is there redundancy in the data?)
Aren't they cross compatible? I'm still fuzzy on the differences. Also lemmy instances were getting hammered, (as it looks like the kbin are too now), so thus my choice of kbin.
Or long press on a phone or tablet.
Agreed. The systems are being flooded from the migration. Communities are quickly being formed. A little patience and people rolling up their sleeves to make it better go a long way.
I agree. I've has to scrap and force upgrade multiple devices over the years, solely due to the battery dying quickly. Definitely a built in obsolescence built into the industry that needs to be fixed.
For me subscribing isn't the issue... it's seeing the subscription afterwards that I can't seem to do.
IMHO There are complications with doing this at work. If you're in the tech industry, (or anything with computers at work), you could be accused of stealing data or doing something malicious or just have it stolen by someone at the office, (which goes into if you should encrypt your data... another can of worms to open).
The risk assessment is for you to decide.