I am confused. The title and context of your post says 0.18.1. Does that mean 0.18.1.rc.1 then? Or was it a typo?
People post form Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, Software release... Reddit is no different taking from other sites. If it's automated or not matters, (IMHO). More content at this point is good. Taking from Reddit, (or any other sources), shouldn't matter. Ideally, the honorable thing to do is give the proper reference to your source, (or even better, from Reddit's source).
Ed: Spelling and formatting
Some interviews were interesting, (Neil Degras Tyson, Elon Musk, several other comedians and actors that I found interesting). He was always willing to call BS on guests will some quick Googling. He did get things wrong but was willing to own up to it. Unfortunately once he hit Spotify level and doubled down on his expertise on the human physical body, he no longer listened to experts, (carnivor diet, Covid...)
Came here to ask the same question.