I'd rather bust my nut on a waifu figurine than eat mushrooms and milk for breakfast.
joined 2 years ago
Eldritch hotdogs
Yeah that's fair, I personally love it especially back cracks.
The indifferent is Viktor and he doesn't care about anything other than food. The other one in the back is Joe and he hates getting his picture taken despite how photogenic he is. And Chloe is old and kind of a bitch.
I think it's for blending
Yep, he's got three more in the series.
Fucking love my corolla, I've put like 2 grand into it in ten years and it runs smooth. Things a beast.
Abhorsen series by Garth Nix.
Lucky Americans with your late thanksgiving. After the Remembrance Day on the 11th Canada goes into full Christmas mode, Mariah included.
I'm not even a weeb I just think mushrooms are nasty.