The reason why it seems like trickery and hypnosis when right wingers identify a popular sentiment ignored by you liberals is that you are only interested in reassuring yourself. You have no political strategy. You seek comforting ideas. You have no arguments of your own, but you have purity tests.
No of course I don't have any questions for you. Go back to /r/worldnews and suffer, removed.
It's obvious you've taken a personal dislike to the guy you're flaming, just for noticing there is real popular unrest in Europe. Like how because AFD wants to trade with Crimea and sees Germany is being fucked by the US, those ideas are now "right wing ideas" to you, verboten.
These right wingers are what "we" (not you, removed, listen carefully removed 😬😬😬) call "fake populists". They are actually more connected to reality than your skittish ass, flinching in the dark whether you see "fake news" or "mainstream news".
That's pretty dumb.