
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Was able to finally beat Xamphur and finish the Zeah questline (so far)! It came down to the wire: me horribly undergeared in my Swampbark armor and Yew crossbow/adamant crossbolt combo, him an ancient angry undead necromancer. He was down to 20HP, but I was out of sharks. Could I bring him down before the clappy hands got me? I tried my best, but he still was up when they appeared, and I sprinted to the other end of the room and back, somehow avoiding damage. Finally, I brought him down with one lucky shot, and was able to finish the quest - and unlock the Arcuus spellbook.

I really need to get more bossing experience, lol. Anyone have recommended boss progression to pick up the mechanics? I struggled a lot more with this than I would've liked.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I'm rocking a Garmin smartwatch and using the preloaded adaptive training plans. I started out with a couch to 5K last year, and now I'm doing a Jeff Galloway 5K plan to increase my speed. As someone who was never able to run before due to chronic injuries, I'm just shooting for a 10 minute mile average, lol.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I'm not off Reddit entirely, but I'm trying to transition here for what I can. It looks like most of the communities I'm in are here too, they're just a lot quieter. So I'm looking to post more.

Was on Reddit for ~7 years, I think.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

Nice, and thanks! If I could describe my style, it'd be more adventure-style world building, I guess? I like to design characters and settings and play them through challenges and story arcs. So depth of relationships and different ways to personalize Sims is pretty important to me and something I was hoping Growing Together would bring to the table.

I do also enjoy creating my own save files and I'm working on one now - the world that comes with the Horse pack looks gorgeous, and I'm very interested in the nectar making for a few households. Have you tried crossing over the animal farming aspects of the Horse pack with Cottage Living? Since they fixed the animals aging bug I was thinking about finally doing a playthrough.


I stopped playing around the time the My Wedding Stories pack came out (broken). The High School pack that launched after that was also broken (and as an aging off player who does worldbuilding it is not in the least compatible with my playstyle). Are the new Generations pack and the Horse pack interesting/worthwhile? Or at least not broken.