I hit an age and a point in my life where I stopped caring. All of that toxic masculinity shit should be ignored because it’s just plain unhealthy. I found that I gained more confidence bucking those toxic norms, than I did hiding who I was, or trying to act a certain way to appease people that will never pick up a phone to hangout.
Being sensitive and empathetic is a strength, not a weakness. It shows emotional maturity. Anyone that tells you otherwise doesn’t even know themselves. I’ve known men that would constantly give unsolicited macho advice but rarely had anything to contribute that wasn’t cited from somewhere else. In all of those scenarios, they struggled to find and hold onto healthy relationships and friendships, and they struggled to find their identity. They filled the gaps in with defensive tactics and poor or non-existent communication skills.
I’ve found that when you take risks and be more forward with your feelings, it helps gain confidence and the outward positive energy rubs off. If you find that you’re surrounded by a lot of that macho energy and it puts a toxic damper on who you are, it’s time to leave it behind. Surround yourself with the energy you want to reciprocate. If you can’t find that, spend time alone and find yourself.
Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
— Lao Tzu
This feels like someone took their banned content list and inverted it so that it was suddenly all approved. Regardless, leaving Instagram and Facebook was one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. Can’t and won’t deal with platforms that pump feeds full of ads and fascist hate-filled toxic bullshit.