The same people who complain about this will come back tomorrow and say "someone needs to do something about XYZ". They never planned to do anything, they just like complaining.
I'll sadly have to keep using Plex until jellyfish makes library sharing simple.
I have like 10 different family members using my server. If I have to do anything beyond just letting them log in to a plex account on the app to get access, they just won't.
My dad is one of the rare ones. Fully colorblind. Only sees in grays. It's honestly incredible how good he is at picking colors out though. It's only difficult when they are very similar shades of the same color
That's the one!
Same. I think I had to go in once in the last few years to turn off a new setting. I didn't recall what is was though. Probably data collection?
I would say, they look like dinkos, to us. We're obsessed with pinguses so we see what we wanna see everywhere. And if we go to long without seeing dingdong? We'll draw one or carve one or build one on top of a bank or a church.
Are those Leon's glasses?
You... You mean they lied?!
Mirrors can make rooms feel bigger, even if you can't see yourself in it
It will when servers refuse to work those jobs
There is a link on another FF post to GitHub where someone changed "he" to "they" in the documentation. The main dev told them to "keep their politics to themselves" and refused the fix.