
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is the issue. I was not even able to clone a repo via terminal. Followed the steps mentioned in the link and it now works without issue. thanks :)

Including the instruction here below for it might be useful to someone.

From stackoverflow


Make sure first that you have certificates installed on your Debian in /etc/ssl/certs

If not, reinstall them:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates 

Since that package does not include root certificates, add:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ sudo wget -P /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ sudo update-ca-certificates 

Make sure your git does reference those CA:

git config --global http.sslCAinfo /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

just failed to access

Package Status Info Time ▼ 
ement                          failed               fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none 16.170102

I am trying to install ement.el with the following config

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (use-package ement
    :elpaca (:host github :repo "alphapapa/ement.el"))

When the config is loaded I get the error as follows. There are no network issues.

ement [GNU-devel ELPA|GNU ELPA]
Matrix client

source: GNU-devel ELPA
menu item:
( :package   "ement"
  :repo      ""
  :local-repo "ement"
  (:defaults "*" (:exclude ".git")))
( :package   "ement"
  :host      github
  :repo      "alphapapa/ement.el"
  :local-repo "ement"
  (:defaults "*" (:exclude ".git"))
  :protocol  https
  :inherit   t
  :depth     nil)
dependencies: ?
dependents: ?
  (failed cloning reclone cloning queued)


The container is running but TRAMP is not able to connect to it, not sure why.


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Tramp failed to connect.  If this happens repeated...")
  signal(file-error ("Tramp failed to connect.  If this happens repeated..."))
  tramp-error(nil file-error "Tramp failed to connect.  If this happens repeated...")
  tramp-signal-hook-function(file-error ("Tramp failed to connect.  If this happens repeated..."))
  signal(file-error ("Tramp failed to connect.  If this happens repeated..."))
  tramp-maybe-open-connection((tramp-file-name "lxc" nil nil "aws-t2-nano-neo4j" nil "/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf/neo4j.conf" nil))
  tramp-send-command((tramp-file-name "lxc" nil nil "aws-t2-nano-neo4j" nil "/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf/neo4j.conf" nil) "test 0 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?")
  tramp-send-command-and-check((tramp-file-name "lxc" nil nil "aws-t2-nano-neo4j" nil "/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf/neo4j.conf" nil) "test 0")
  tramp-get-test-command((tramp-file-name "lxc" nil nil "aws-t2-nano-neo4j" nil "/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf/neo4j.conf" nil))
  tramp-run-test("-d" "/lxc:aws-t2-nano-neo4j:/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf...")
  tramp-sh-file-name-handler(file-directory-p "/lxc:aws-t2-nano-neo4j:/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf...")
  apply(tramp-sh-file-name-handler file-directory-p "/lxc:aws-t2-nano-neo4j:/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf...")
  tramp-file-name-handler(file-directory-p "/lxc:aws-t2-nano-neo4j:/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf...")
  find-file-noselect("/lxc:aws-t2-nano-neo4j:/neo4j-community-3.1.1/conf..." nil nil nil)
  ivy-read("Find file: " read-file-name-internal :matcher counsel--find-file-matcher :initial-input nil :action counsel-find-file-action :preselect nil :require-match confirm-after-completion :history file-name-history :keymap (keymap (remap keymap (undo . counsel-find-file-undo)) (67108960 lambda (&optional arg) "nil (`nil')" (interactive "p") (if (string= "" ivy-text) (execute-kbd-macro (kbd "M-o b")) (self-insert-command arg))) (96 . counsel-file-jump-from-find) (C-backspace . counsel-up-directory) (67108991 . counsel-up-directory)) :caller counsel-find-file)
  counsel--find-file-1("Find file: " nil counsel-find-file-action counsel-find-file)

⛔ Warning (with-editor): Cannot determine a suitable Emacsclient

Determining an Emacsclient executable suitable for the
current Emacs instance failed.  For more information
please see

I switched to guix as the package manager following system-crafters tutorial. I have correct setup the PATH variable so that binaries from guix are accessible, but still magit is not able find emacsclient even though it is there and I can launch it from shell. No changes to the configure has been made. Used to work this morning but after removing apt emacs and installing emacs via guix I get this issue.


  (use-package magit
    :bind (("C-c g" . #'magit-status)))


Are there any existing plaintext file format to for storing discussion forums posts like this one or ubuntuforums. I want to archive the discussion I like locally. i have been using singlefilez for download the whole page into my machine, but i prefer plaintext formats. When I tried Org-web-tools, it does not seem to properly extract reddit discussion pages for example.

I suppose I can write a scraper and dump content in json format. I'd prefer a plaintext format like org-mode and was designed with some thought put into this, instead of me cobbling something together.


What is your workflow of maintaining logs of literate scripts? I converted most of my scripts to org-mode and tangle them out to scripts for running them. I want to be able to run them within org-babel itself. I use mostly python and bash. I have two laptops one personal and one for work and a desktop. Mostly I want my laptop and desktop in sync so that I can work in either of them depending upon the need. When I want to install or update any of the tools I use in one system I want that to be replicated in the other, not automatically.

I also need to version the literate scripts, in the sense with history visible in the org file itself. I want the org file to capture my thought flow and the evolution of the code so that I can understand it later by just looking through the file not by meddling with git.

Does any have similar need and a workflow I can copy?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Not keystrokes, but the frequently used commands.


It might be a bit controversial notion. But when I try to look for extensions say for completion framework there are many available and I used ido and then moved to ivy. I knew helm existed and is much more powerful in terms of feature-set, but never used it.

I read that emacs can report on keyboard usage (I think from xahlee's posts). Can it be repurposed to monitor which extensions are used often in users setup and they can share that report if they wish to public say via melpa like services. I suppose that melpa downloads can be used as a measure of usage.


I am using EWW to read articles and I want to capture notes into an exisiting file not part of capture templates. The overall workflow is as follows. Lets say I want to catch up on the GPT agents of generative AI and prompt engineering. I google the topic in EWW and just read with a org file open on the side buffer. I want to take notes and capture quotes into a that org file. when I select text from EWW, and intiate capture I want to insert text into the org file on the side where the point (cursor) is or even at the end of the file. How can I configure org-capture for this?


I am using EWW to read articles and I want to capture notes into an exisiting file not part of capture templates. The overall workflow is as follows. Lets say I want to catch up on the GPT agents of generative AI and prompt engineering. I google the topic in EWW and just read with a org file open on the side buffer. I want to take notes and capture quotes into a that org file. when I select text from EWW, and intiate capture I want to insert text into the org file on the side where the point (cursor) is or even at the end of the file. How can I configure org-capture for this?


Think of it like this. I want to have a org file each reading session and I have have multiple reading sessions in parallel (session don't mean single chunk of time). How can i configure org-capture so that I can create a new org file for each reading session. or org-capture is not the right tool for this? Some other workflow?