
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Maybe house prices dropped but my rent keeps going up.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

My rent went up under labour.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (11 children)

Neither of them has a credible plan to end the 10+ years of housing crisis that New Zealanders have suffered.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

The way I read long and complicated threads is by going down one conversation, then collapsing that last comment at the end of it, and making my way back up the chain, collapsing “parent” comments if they have no uncollapsed “children”, and reading “sibling” comments and replies to those as I go up to the original “root” comment.

That's it, I didn't even realise there's a collapse button lol. Until now I just saw a lot of coloured lines that I thought I had to follow. I suppose it's simple enough to follow things here if I collapse threads, or if I read threads before they get dozens of replies.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

No, but so far it’s your sole redeeming characteristic.

At least I'm not sarcastically criticising people, while holding no position of my own.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

So you need to get yourself into a party. But you can’t just rock up to your party of choices offices and have them put your name next to their logo in the next election.

Just wait another 10 years for Megan Woods to resign and they will open a new position lol

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

According to my friend Vince McLeod, smoking weed and eating mushrooms is a sacred religious rite that dates back thousands of years. The government is wrong to leave it up to pharmaceutical companies to regulate this issue.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Because people wouldn’t vote for me.

Where are you based, and do you care about local council issues? You can at least start with community board.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Well, the company is dying apparently. Good luck to him, lol. NZ Herald seems to have some fairly interesting premium articles from time-to-time, but most of their articles are about finance, business and investment. Not very interesting for me. If they made a newspaper or digital subscription for poor people I'd be more interested, but not if they dumb down language and assume everyone is a dolt.

Who listens to Newstalk ZB and reads NZ Herald? Nobody my age.


It would be nice if everyone would use tags or brief quotations, so I can see who is replying to who.

Modern forums are confusing my old brain because I'm used to the old BB code and old style of forum navigation, but a lot of things have changed in Lemmy, and also with proprietary forums used by large companies.

Sometimes I forget how to use features. I'm no better than a boomer who needs constant reminders on how to hold a mouse.

I think some people either don't care or they simply forget that you can highlight text with the mouse and then click "reply" to make a quotation. Maybe they are using a phone and it's too difficult to do this.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

At least you’re pro school lunches, I guess.

That itself isn't the hill to die on though.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

And the left aren’t the ones obsessed with abortions.

Well not most people, but a small subset of the left is obsessed with it. They were very upset about the protests in Christchurch. Now there's a law to ban the pro-lifers in Christchurch. They used to protest all the time across from the hospital, at Hagley Park. There is a road between the park and the hospital, but the femmi-nazis weren't happy and obviously they made this law change so that the protests can't be within 300m of the hospital. It's ridiculous. Why not just ban protests within 1km of parliament while we're at it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I agree but from Seymour's perspective he views it as ideological. I listened to Rodney Hyde on Reality Check Radio a while ago. He had good intentions to just make it easier to do business, but now he's embarrassed that he was in politics. He moved on and says it's bad that people view politics as a legitimate career (lasting many decades for some MPs).

I understand that Act Party want to make it simpler to invest and stuff - after all I wouldn't want it to become overly complicated to apply for a job, or government assistance. That said: I have come to realise that it's one-sided.

Act will make it easier for billionaires to buy just about anything, while making it impossible for anyone to build apartments or decent houses. It's out-of-touch. For a few years now, I consider Seymour's intent to be harmful to the country. These people would cry and demand a law change if rich people had to piss in a cup to get a job or fly their own helicopter or private jet. But it's fine if poor people have to piss in a cup every few weeks just to drive a class 1 or class 2 truck.

Rules for the workers but not for the elite class. It's total B.S. and I'm glad I can see everything clearly now that I'm a bit older and wiser.


Analysis: China has been accused of being provocative by sending warships into the Tasman Sea, but on the other hand, New Zealand plays its part in US moves that provoke Beijing.

I admit there has been good coverage of these issues in our media lately, but I'm still concerned that the media and government will stab us in the back, increase military funding, and bring up the idea of a draft. After seeing Ukrainian men beaten and thrown into vans to be taken to their deaths, I'm not enthusiastic about NZ becoming the Ukraine of the Pacific.


This legislation is all about forcing a U.S. centric foreign policy on New Zealand, making it illegal to sympathise with anything other than the BBC or CNN official narrative. They will start harassing people at the airports and it will continue to get worse. Support for Palestine and Donbass are the targets here, but in the future SIS will go full McCarthyism over China. Once the government bans foreign media outlets, the next logical step is to ban anyone who operates independently as a journalist or activist, then the only views you will hear will be Israeli, Ukrainian or Taiwanese. Free speech, but only if you support the U.S. narrative. I look forward to battling SIS and defending free speech.


I recently watched Guyon Espiner's interview with China's ambassador to New Zealand, Dr. Wang Xiaolong, and in the interview Wang Xiaolong didn't have anything good to say about America's role as the global policeman. In fact he went as far as calling them "the great interferer" and accused the United States of using "colour revolutions". A term which, in New Zealand, is usually considered a Russian propaganda term.

Given the tremendous combined economic power of the BRICS nations I think that New Zealand should consider having equal relationships with countries, instead of taking sides as if we were still in the last century. There is absolutely no reason to sign onto crap like the AUKUS pillar two, which may involve getting involved in drone and missile production.

On Reddit a while ago, people thought AUKUS was a great idea. In the newspaper, they whine that we are only getting pillar two. We won't even be getting nuclear subs, or deploying our navy in the next big war. How sad lol

If AUKUS involves New Zealand working with the U.S. on drone and missile technology, is that something we want? I know the political class are mentally ill, but are we, the citizens, comfortable if our people and our engineers are going to work on technology that's going to kill Chinese soldiers in the South China Sea?

I'd love to see this from Winston Peters' view or Judith Collins' view, but I can't shove my head that far up my arse. Already there will be redditors coping hard on this topic by saying we can just put sanctions on China in a few years, and shift all our trade to India. I think that's extremely naive. Just re-shape the whole economy, so that we can afford to piss off China, and keep supporting U.S. supremacy? What does our country get from constantly pleasing the US?

The BRICS nations are growing their influence and promoting multi-polarity and ideas like non-alignment, but for some reason the media, the parliament, and all the "security experts" in New Zealand say that NZ must be aligned with the United States.

I don't support sanctions because I don't think that trade should revolve around politics. I believe we should have equal trade relations with all countries and not get involved with messy bloc politics. I laugh at Trump's threat to put economic sanctions on countries that stop trading in the US dollar. If say, 6 or 12 countries start using a cryptocurrency to trade, but without ever using the USD in the transaction, will Winston Peters come out and condemn this? lol

There is no reason to further align ourselves with a declining global power that keeps pushing its rivals together. We are in Five Eyes and that should be the limit. New Zealand should trade with whoever offers the best deals, and we should have no involvement in military alliances or any form of politically influenced trade.

The United States can only sit and watch as Russian soldiers advance toward Pokrovsk. Within 30 years China will reunify Taiwan by force, and there's nothing that the United States can do, because they don't have the power any more, the world has moved on.

The NZ parliament needs to die off and be replaced with younger people because these old nutters like Winston Peters don't get it. For example, they talk about blocking butter exports to Russia, because "raising the cost" will apparently influence something. What cost? What influence? The Soviet people lost 10 million people when they fought Germany. I'm sure they could lose 0.5% of that in the current conflict, and pay more for butter, and it still won't influence any political or military decisions.

I wish Winston Peters and the others would understand this but they're just too damn old. Nobody should tell us who we can or can't trade with. Trade does not equal political support. Just because the U.S. has declining relations with China, it doesn't mean we should stop trading with China. The propaganda in the news is already emerging, that China is a threat and we should move to other markets. There's really nothing wrong with having good relations with other countries in the region, but I guess the yanks want us to always side with them and orientate New Zealand's economy around US political interests. Weak as.

Sooner or later we had better figure out what the 21st century is going to look like, and adapt accordingly.

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