The original(2021) walmart streaming box is like $20, it has custom roms for it. It has the same specs as the 4k Chromecast with androidtv. The 2023 version doesnt seem to have any roms(at least on xda), but can still be rooted.
joined 1 year ago
Virginia cops are ruled 'justified' in second shooting of meth-addled woman, but "the body-worn camera footage will not be released"
No storage restrictions.
Can remove it.
Storage isolation.
More control over exactly what folders apps can see/use.
One of my favorite magisk mods. It makes ot so apps in the deny list can still be messed with.
Have you ever had a bad gut feeling about a (generally well-liked) person that ended up being totally justified? If so, what happened?
Have you ever had a bad gut feeling about a (generally well-liked) person that ended up being totally justified? If so, what happened?
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God this gave me flashbacks to the google crap where they couldnt understand that google doesnt make the iphone.