
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

I loved that they fed what is just boilerplate to the press while missing the irony of copying what the teacher said.

Also, sports teams are ok? I thought it was about learning? For profit billionaire owned wealth concentrating, public fund leeching, extremely segregated arbitrary loyalty-building exercises have much less of an appropriate place in school--and I quite enjoy athletics.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

To clarify as these words are used differently by different folks, what does "women only" and " inclusive" refer to?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

You shall receive your payment in the afterlife, meanwhile I'll take mine now. - a time honored tradition.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 15 hours ago

Post office, national parks, anything that can be sold and privatized to the highest bidder.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

I can't abide a nation using debt to gain political or military influence over another nation. - an American

Seriously though, China just looking for their own Hawaii. Throw a military base there once they're in hock.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 16 hours ago

You have to be careful. It's like those bite-sized candy bars; when you eat 89 of them in a sitting you're still causing problems. I've found myself accidentally carrying up to 17 handguns at a time--i didn't even know I had half of them on me! I've had to develop good firearm hygiene, like flossing, a few times a day do a self-pat down to make sure a .357 isn't in my Crocs or a Desert Eagle .50 hasn't found it's way into one of my American Flag hoodie pockets.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

I was trying not to be sensational but felt it should be higher as my made up stat, but decided lower and inarguable would be best since the internet loves to split hairs.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You may be right, you may not. My point is, whether him or something else, the point is to instill fear to chill such speech, and that will be successful regardless as it will go unpunished.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I mean, I think he will ultimately fail to affront the first amendment.

As has been eagerly demonstrated by for-profit companies and their lackies, many in the US are happy to self-censor. The chilling effect will be more than sufficient, as has already been shown, to subvert anything left of a "free press", and individuals will have all the weight of the economic and political power imbalance thrown at them to make an example and this will chill speech, as the Columbia Student kidnapping by the brownshirts shows.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Fauxnalism- make up a shitty portmanteau, generalize about an enormous group of people based on their age without any hard data, assert you have special insight into something that doesn't exist to divide and distract from real issues and generate clicks and outrage and profit. 50% of "news" in 2025.

Ironically, this article is fauxductivity it adds nothing to anything, and could mostly be AI slop.


Super brave Caucasian commissioners decide committee they do not directly benefit from does not have a purpose, in a wise and comprehensive evaluation showing exactly who is a member of their community worth investing in.

Program had no funding and cost nothing other than ~4 hours of each program member’s time related to the program each month.

Please keep this in mind when thinking about where you will travel, vacation, live and do business with in Oregon. If you'd like to share your thoughts with the county commissioners: [email protected]


Super brave Caucasian commissioners decide committee they do not directly benefit from does not have a purpose, in a wise and comprehensive evaluation showing exactly who is a member of their community worth investing in.

Program had no funding and cost nothing other than ~4 hours of each program member's time related to the program each month.

Please keep this in mind when thinking about where you will travel, vacation, live and do business with. If you'd like to share your thoughts with the county commissioners: [email protected]


Hi, I'm in the US and non-car safety is appalling. I live in a semi-urban area and get nearly hit, obstructed or aggressively cut off at crosswalks or driveways nearly every single time I run, which is every other day.

Rather than try to make the case with stats showing no local enforcement of pedestrian code, I've decided for my and likely my future lawyers sale I should just record and montage it. When I'm inevitably disabled or killed by one of these selfish dumbasses, at least it will make for simple settlements, and prosecutions .

I'm in the market for a headmounted/head strap camera, preferably with a microphone option. I googled a bit and there are some go-pro-ish options but they all seem pretty big and heavy, made for mountain biking or swimming, etc. anyone have ideas or links for a lighter option? Don't need 4k and 400gb of storage, just enough for an hour or video and audio at reasonable resolution.



It steadily has dropped for a year or more and I can't take it anymore. If I replace will they fix? I pulled it off and even with the water off there is still water coming out of the pipe at a slow, slow drip pace. Is it the water shut off that needs help? Would of course prefer the cheaper fix but if a new head isn't going to stop the leak it'd be good to know.



Ziply was a dumb pipe with decent rates for symmetrical fiber with moderate usage. No good can come of this for customers, hope Kahn blocks it.


Ziply was a dumb pipe with decent rates for symmetrical fiber with moderate usage. No good can come of this for customers, hope Kahn blocks it.


Ziply was a dumb pipe with decent rates for symmetrical fiber with moderate usage. No good can come of this for customers, hope Kahn blocks it.


Played out Monster Mayhem card game within a month or so. Bought Castle Panic and was a great fantasy intro board game, simple to learn with just enough strategy to keep it interesting for older folks but it's about run its course.

Looking for suggestions 2-3 can play together mix of youth and adults, ideally collaboratively. Basic-level RPG or strategy fantasy/mystery/adventure, small group of 3 max so not really a "DM" situation type game, all would be players.



Screw your workers for 30+ years, move your production, make them embarrassed with your company name by eliminating engineering excellence and outsourcing quality to lowest bidder, withhold raises for a decade, remove a real retirement plan and see what happens.

Good for them.

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