@stopthatgirl7 42 to 50 degrees here in Africa ๐ซ ๐ซ
joined 2 years ago
@darklightxi this app is still under development but it's very promising.
the icon for me is a square with white background, and the loading posts is a hit or miss, but still it's way better then all other clients I have tried in it's current state, nice
@SineNomineAnonymous @dogmuffins EXACTLY, I was on Reddit saying the exact same thing yesterday, why don't people just start using that better alternative ( that doesn't target them with intrusive ads ) but when FB first started out, I remember everyone was asking how to sign up, ( they didn't think no one is using it ), I think "follow the crowd" mentality is the problem when it comes to mass adoption :rickdrink:
@isgleas @uselessauth
Crypto doesn't solve a problem, it prevents a problem from happening ( banking surveillance )