I don't. I never got the hype. Their games are trash. Their graphics on their switch are trash. Not sure what people like about Nintendo honestly.
I don't use app images of flatpaks. I don't like either.
I wasn't asking why I can bypass it, I wanted to get rid of it because it's useless to me since my PC is physically in my basement and I'm right there trying to use it, not trying to access it remotely. Anyway, I got rid of it.
Ok, I figured it out. Looks like this new mechanical keyboard I got does something when I wake the PC up that causes those 3 attempts to be triggered. So I just set deny = 0 in /etc/security/faillock.conf. And to be more sure, I set the unlock time to 0. Lol That was very stressful. Thank you for bringing up faillock.
How do I disable it? That link doesn't show where to disable it. It just did it again and it's driving my fucking insane. I literally didn't do anything. I just locked my PC from the menu and went back to it to wake it up. I need this off my PC :/
Hey, it is free to wish/dream. lol
Do you have any knowledge about the V6? My friend just gifted me one for Christmas. What are the odds!!!
"well, let me come over to your house uninvited and walk around the rooms looking through your personal belongings".
I'm waiting for the PineNote to be out of the development edition so I can get one. I do have an older kindle that I jailbroke a while ago and disabled OTA on. It still sucks, but it is better with KOreader.
I want this book